awalterj: It was 170 men who accidentally (yes, accidentally, there I said it!) walked less than a mile across the border. If we had intended to really invade Liechtenstein, we wouldn't have sent that many men. Maybe 20-25 would have sufficed.
Just as I thought, you use the "it was an accident" argument. All I see is the Swiss bullying the smallest neighbour :-). In the age of global positioning satellites, air recon, and good old maps, you expect us to believe it was an accident! I think you sent in so many troops to intimidate the poor people, as you said, 25 could have done the job, but you blood thirsty Swiss sent 170 pike wielding crazed soldiers of the Swiss Imperial Empire.
At least you did not deny the Swiss invasion and occupation of Rome. If only the locals knew the true reason, the Swiss's plan to control the Pope, just as medieval kings tried to do (often successfully).
Also, as toxicTom said, I have more weapons than just the sheep. Isn't there a bunker buster bomb on Worms? Failing that, I have my trusty Holy Hand-grenade :-).