Crassmaster: Activision are everything people complain about EA being.
Delixe: At least EA are trying to change their image. The EA Download Manager is actually nice to use and getting Frank Klepacki back to do the music for RA3 was an attempt to heal the wounds they tore open when they closed Westwood.
Activision for some reason actually hate their customers, they treat every paying customer as a thief. High prices, extremely poor support and non-existant patches to broken games. Activision are everything that is wrong with PC gaming.
I actually completely agree with you. Hey, I understand why there's so much acrimony towards EA...they earned it. However, they do seem to be trying to make some good changes.
Meanwhile, Activision and Ubisoft seem to be having a race to determine who can reach the finish line first to be named 'Biggest Douchebag Game Company'. And unfortunately, so many people are still totally focused on EA that neither of them is getting the level of scorn they deserve.