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Crewdroog: Edit: and I agree that yes, people should be less uptight, but that's not how the world works unfortunately.
MaximumBunny: We each choose what kind of world we want to live in by what we accept and allow around us.

People have difficulty between finding where they want to be from where they are, and I'm not talking just in terms of employment/careers. They don't see anything beyond what's around them now. "This is who I have to please, these are who I need to emulate, and this is what I have to do to convince others to let me become what I want to be." - That's not living to me.

If you accept that as 'reality' then you're only putting yourself in a cage, being afraid to be free because you don't know how to get pellets on your own and protect yourself from the birds and cats. Unless you've screwed yourself over with bad investments (mortgages/debts, overhead you can barely meet, not following the right career path to begin with, etc.) or had some bad luck then you're just accepting the status quo because you're afraid to be the game changer.

Beelzebubb: Try saying that where youve been unemployed for an extended amount of time
MaximumBunny: ...While standing on 1 hand upside-down, missing a left pinky toe, and eating 1 pound of broccoli. There's a big difference between being laid off and having no (or poor) direction in life. People make the wrong connections, invested their time into the wrong businesses, and now have to wait in line. Sending in resumes and hoping McDonald's calls isn't getting back on your feet.

And on the other note, if anyone has a problem with my noodz it's only cause they're jelly. B)
Fair enough.. But How do you make advancement in your career then?
Post edited May 17, 2014 by Beelzebubb
Beelzebubb: Fair enough.. But How do you make advancement in your career then?

Or you know, "just" adapt. It's important to use the word just to clarify the huge irony of that statement.
Beelzebubb: Fair enough.. But How do you make advancement in your career then?
Set goals, write them down, work hard until you meet them. It's best not to choose something that's dependent on the whims of others or a "market". There isn't much demand for professional alchemists these days and you never know when a particular skill can become automated, outsourced, or not specialized anymore (like 'typing').

Another mistake is going into things because of the promise of high salaries. Don't go into it for the money, go into it because you enjoy doing it. That's something you'll never cease profiting from and has the most growth potential. You have to really appreciate and respect your craft while being around the people that make you happy.

That's about it. "In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure" - Bill Cosby. All downtime should be seen as moretime for the things that matter most.
MaximumBunny: This is silly. Get it right the first time if you care about what people will think later. :P
hedwards: Prior to 9/11 most people in the US didn't really notice Muslims, but after 9/11 there was a ton of bigotry that hasn't completely disappeared.

My main concern here is that there's a ton of data being captured by 3rd parties and put on the net without any consent and then being taken and sliced up to provide a view that nobody can really understand or anticipate. Things like Target knowing about pregnancies before the father in some cases.

That being said, I think it's a bit silly to have a right that's so fundamentally unenforceable.
Let me give an example that will offend everyone: Many of the people you commonly would tell islamic are great people, who can give you a nice talk and serve their purpose for society (many here have pizza imbisses, for some strange reason).
The big issue comes from a very small percentage of the people who say they are Islamic but break the Islamic laws. Take those pedophile Nigerian "Boko Haram" terrorists. I don't see anywhere in the Quran where it says "You shall go to school, abduct young girls and keep them as sex slaves." That has nothing to do with Islam. They will - by what I know about karma - be the ones to be abducted in a future life if they don't change!
And now they say: We are the Islam.
No, you are pedophile scumbags. You are not the Islam.

Take Ehud Olmert. He says he is jewish. I see nowhere in the Thora or Bible where it says "You shall be corrupt and go the path of money." You know what Jesus did? He went into the temple and told all the capitalists there essentially to go eff themselves. Jews are attributed as businessmen nowadays, but that has nothing to do with Judaism. Neither has Olmert.

You know why you never noticed Jews or Muslims in society? Because there was no racistic propaganda spread on media. There was the occasional report about terrorism in Israel, maybe in some Arabic countries as well, but there was no such Anti-Semitic and Anti-Islamic shit as today. The people were there all the time, but the propaganda machinery of the big news stations was not.

Now everyone says comparing X to Hitler is bad! No, it is not! It is the best thing you can do! If you're not allowed to compare X to Hitler you can not prevent it from happening again! Compare the media, at some point they subconsciously instilled the fear that every muslim is a terrorist who wants to die for Allah and kill you as well. Compare it to anti-semitic Third Reich propaganda!
Probably they did and they noticed, hey, this has happened before, let us stop instilling fear of strangers into people before they start a pogrom, let us start show some other stuff instead.

But the real problems were ignored, they still are. You don't become terrorist if you value something else higher. Either you are mentally ill to begin with, or you have otherwise no perspective in life. If politicians were not corrupt, then people wouldn't even wage wars. Goebbels(!) told us once that you can tell people they are attacked and show some propaganda and they will support a war, even if they otherwise wouldn't. And I think the christmas truce 1914 was the best example of it: People did not want to make war. Not on christmas. Not afterwards. If politicians would have listened to their people back then, many million would have been saved, Hitler never would have risen to power, there would not have been such a World War. And everything else is unpredictable since that war changed too much.

If we forget history, we are doomed to repeat it. But knowing history alone does not change anything if people don't really learn from history.
This is pretty important , however can they classify the information based on its content ?, lets say an individual

a) Has history on the internet on things such as personal photos , posts etc related to his daily life and not meant for public

b) Has history on the internet on things such as the crimes he did , scams , controversy etc that public needs to know , So that they can be vary of such persons in the future

What information does the EU court wants to be erased ?
Can we get rid of the pretenses and just call this "the YOLO Act" ;)?
I don't see how this is the responsibility of the search provider; search engines index publicly-available content using various automated means with the goal being relevancy to the query, not the actual accuracy of the results. Those wanting content removed should contact the specific sites that are actually providing that information.

As an example of relevancy over accuracy there are various websites making outlandish claims that are unlikely to be true, e.g. that world leaders such as George Bush are secretly reptilian aliens. Even in these bizarre case Google is working as intended; websites exist containing those particular keywords, users perform search queries that match those keyword combinations, and Google then provides those sites in the results based on their relevancy to the query keywords--not their accuracy.
That's a very important modern-days issue.
We create information, more and more. We make a lot more footsteps on the path of History than before, in a more durable manner. That is a fact.
I firmly believe that history can be forgotten but shouldn't be deleted.

Now regarding the more trivial issues, the focus should be to make people learn to live with their mistakes and those of others (you know, the 'straw in the eye' thing).
Having the right to have things 'erased' is a not-so-helpful band-aid in my opinion, but it remains something very important because, even if it doesn't encompass the majority, you shouldn't have to suffer from people unable to deal with your past mistakes.

Edit : but I insist that the chosen word is really wrong. Forgetting is not about deletion.
Post edited May 18, 2014 by Potzato
Arkose: I don't see how this is the responsibility of the search provider; search engines index publicly-available content using various automated means with the goal being relevancy to the query, not the actual accuracy of the results. Those wanting content removed should contact the specific sites that are actually providing that information.

As an example of relevancy over accuracy there are various websites making outlandish claims that are unlikely to be true, e.g. that world leaders such as George Bush are secretly reptilian aliens. Even in these bizarre case Google is working as intended; websites exist containing those particular keywords, users perform search queries that match those keyword combinations, and Google then provides those sites in the results based on their relevancy to the query keywords--not their accuracy.
If a search provider is only indexing sites individually, then I can't see how this would be their responsibility However, when they take information from many different sites and combine it to form a profile, that would be completely their responsibility. Not to mention that if they choose to cache the information, that would be their responsibility as well.

Ultimately, this is a nice idea, but one that's effectively impossible to enforce as once something is online, there's no way of preventing people from downloading a copy for their own use or unsee it.