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dragonbeast: snip
dr.zli: I am trained in gorilla warfare...
THAT is badass!

Edit: To everyone, Yeah that is the best part. :)
Post edited December 09, 2013 by Tarm
Now you know why I don't play online. Years and years ago I joined an online text game about global domination. A few days in I started getting threatening messages from other player who felt I wasn't taking the game seriously enough. Things like, "Clearly you don't know who you are fucking with and you will suffer my wrath" type messages would greet me every morning, followed by "I will annihilate you with my nuclear arsenal if you don't clean up your act and stop screwing around." One day I reluctantly informed them that it was a game and the nuclear weapons they had weren't real. They fake nuked my country and I real canceled my account.
dragonbeast: sigh, what happend?
Don't worry. It's probably just some immature spoiled brats messing around. Most of the time they don't know how to behave.

As a veteran ut99 player i've often seen people yell 'hax' 'bitch' or something far worse, when they get owned. I always see such taunts as compliments, and makes me want to frag their arses even more ;^)
I've been playing Entropia Universe for a few weeks now, and it doesn't seem to have this. It has some assholes in it,of course(I'm one of them), but most people are surprisingly nice.
SCPM: I won because the other player ragequit before their health or score or whatever ran out. I never left a match early, and even managed to turn the tables one time when it looked like I was about to lose.
This leaving phenomenon is interesting, it was (and likely still is) a heated discussion in MOBA games where the failing team takes the option to leave the game because the reasoning is that why bother wasting time when you've already lost (and if your will to continue is lost, why bother trying? You won't give your best anyway.)

I rarely left games myself in Dota (1) or League of Legends but I would argue the game design isn't flawless as opposed to the idea to use a punishment system where people who left early received penalties.

After thinking about this a system might work where you sign a game contract early as some kind of "conditional rules" to follow for example establish a rule that you can leave the game if certain conditions have been met and then everyone will expect it resulting in less anger between either parties (winner or losers).
Join the GOG Blood Bowl League next season. We're cool and relaxed.
dragonbeast: -snip-
i just couldnt care less of this this sort of people with small "ePenis".

My 5cents, just ignore them. Mute them, kick them or just walk away. If they can be banned -very good-, if not - its usually less hassle just leave them with their own misery instead of letting them to infect you as well.

The best antidote is ofcourse to move to plays that are more "adult", which will automatically take a way majority of the youngest flamers.

Piranjade: Join the GOG Blood Bowl League next season. We're cool and relaxed.
Post edited December 09, 2013 by iippo
dragonbeast: WARNING: This is a rant of a frustrated gamer
read at own risk

as someone who plays online games a lot i keep getting more and more confrontated by the serious and flaming PRO/MLG gamers. in certain games i can slightly understand this as they have a competitive component, like league of legends (still think this flaming is wrong but whatever).

these days however, i also seem to find it more and more in casual games. latest example being left 4 dead 2. we were playing versus and i would become a tank (rare huge zombie that can destroy everything). the game spawned me next to the humans at which a player on our side immediatly started "OMG n00b L2P u fcking piece of shit" (literal quote) who believed i should not chagre in. upon me defending myself came the expected "Shut up fggt r u a tarD". (literal quote again).

why is it that even in games with no ranking component whatsoever, gamers only give a damn about winning. doesn't matter if people want to have fun IF YOU DON'T USE PRO TAKTIKS AND ONLY BEST GUN ND DO AS I SAY YOU R A FGGT AND A N0B GO DIE PLS. why do gamers only value winning, and just fully ignore the fun component of games.

games R not fun, gaùes r srs bsns

those moment make me feel nostalgic about those days in a TF2 clan server (gfl) where fun was always #1 and we did silly fun thing like go all spy.
where are the times it didn't matter if your team wasn't world championchip material and all did their best?

sigh, what happend?
What you just described is part of the reason I only play with GOGgers. At least I know I won't have to hear that kind of trash talk when I play Blood Bowl (I do yell at the screen, not the player :D )/
The problem is, the games I easily want online are made by companies who to be perfectly honest, fear online. Thanks Nintendo the first 3D multiplayer Mario game? Oh? It can only be played locally? Well, a bowl of [DATA EXPUNGED] to you.

And the games I don't want online are either built around it entirely as a premise (SimCity 2013), or are locked in a cupboard where you only buy the key (all of steam).
P1na: Strange. I play single player campaigns almost exclusively, except with a few occasional games with friends every now and then, and I never noticed this problem. And I think I'd rather keep it that way.
Bots! :D
There are competing weekly Bingo games in neighboring townships where I live. In one people show up, fight to the death, and even the winners walk out in a pissy mood.

In the other there is an open bar. People get hammered, laugh their asses off, and well....there usually isn't a winner because everyone forgets they are there to actually play Bingo.

Needless to say the second one is far and away the more popular.
Post edited December 09, 2013 by tinyE
What in Davy Jones’ locker did ye just bark at me, ye scurvy bilgerat? I’ll have ye know I be the meanest cutthroat on the seven seas, and I’ve led numerous raids on fishing villages, and raped over 300 wenches. I be trained in hit-and-run pillaging and be the deadliest with a pistol of all the captains on the high seas. Ye be nothing to me but another source o’ swag. I’ll have yer guts for garters and keel haul ye like never been done before, hear me true. You think ye can hide behind your newfangled computing device? Think twice on that, scallywag. As we parley I be contacting my secret network o’ pirates across the sea and yer port is being tracked right now so ye better prepare for the typhoon, weevil. The kind o’ monsoon that’ll wipe ye off the map. You’re sharkbait, fool. I can sail anywhere, in any waters, and can kill ye in o’er seven hundred ways, and that be just with me hook and fist. Not only do I be top o’ the line with a cutlass, but I have an entire pirate fleet at my beck and call and I’ll damned sure use it all to wipe yer arse off o’ the world, ye dog. If only ye had had the foresight to know what devilish wrath your jibe was about to incur, ye might have belayed the comment. But ye couldn’t, ye didn’t, and now ye’ll pay the ultimate toll, you buffoon. I’ll shit fury all over ye and ye’ll drown in the depths o’ it. You’re fish food now.
tinyE: There are competing weekly Bingo games in neighboring townships where I live. In one people show up, fight to the death, and even the winners walk out in a pissy mood.

In the other there is an open bar. People get hammered, laugh their asses off, and well....there usually isn't a winner because everyone forgets they are there to actually play Bingo.

Needless to say the second one is far and away the more popular.

For those of you who don’t know, Sloshball is baseball, with two exceptions.

There is a keg of beer at 2nd base and a keg of beer at Home plate. Players cannot pass 2nd base or Home without chugging-a-mug o’ beer.

It is the only competitive game that I know of where people can forget which team they are on, and I have never seen a game played to a finish, or remembered the score of the game that evening, let alone the next day.
P1na: Strange. I play single player campaigns almost exclusively, except with a few occasional games with friends every now and then, and I never noticed this problem. And I think I'd rather keep it that way.
GhostwriterDoF: Bots! :D
Bot support, in games where it's relevant of course and not like adventure games have become one of the most important things for me when buying games. No Bot support and that I can't start a server of my own with bots and I wont buy the game. Or play it.
Blizzard really grasped this, that's why hearthstone has more than simplistic interactive features. It is somewhat disturbing to see that the ability to chat with people in videogames was a great fantastic thing .... once ; now it came to realization that humans are just 'on average' really not worth it and this social-oriented feature is now just a hindrance to having fun.