Lone3wolf: That's got to be one of the MOST ludicrous, pathetic, brain-dead, asinine, stupid, farcical, foolish, preposterous and utterly nonsensical RUBBISH I've heard in a long time.
You missed the point, you fucking retard, get a grip! I never claimed that this was proof of anything other than the fact that governments don’t mind murdering their own people if it serves their interests. This is also what I wrote when I mentioned these incidents. Stop misinterpreting me on purpose or are you really that much of a dumb fuck?
Also, to the ones saying “Well, Kennedy fired the main guy” might want to take a look at what happened to this president.
RSHabroptilus: Not that I agree with Demut's arrogant, assumptive bullshit and patronizing feigning of higher knowledge.
I don’t claim higher knowledge but less fucking ignorance and blind trust.