IIRC, in the Farscape Season 4, there was a interesting analysis on why SciFi was "oldfashioned" and why stars and space don't make human people dreaming anymore.
That was when they came finally back to Earth, and paranoia was all other there, times had changed because of the early 2000's US trauma (you know what I mean). People have become down to earth, and it is somehow similar to what actually happens in the real world. NASA budget cuts for instance.
I think that "dreaming crisis" was one of the worst conceptual shift happened to humanity since WW2, because even during the cold war and every political crisis and every war happened since, there were still underground people thinking of a better world, curious of the universe, and writing novels, making films, developing games in the anticipation-science fiction genre. Beyond entertainment, many of those productions were criticizing the actual world and what it could become. But during the early 2000's all those dream were shut down to prioritize a down to earth point of view. Or the fantasy raised to a peak in the alternative dreams. I'm fine with fantasy, but it's more dreaming of alternative past than of alternative future.
There were some successful SF stories, like Battlestar Galactica, but even if that series was great, it was more "realistic" than other SF series, and it hadn't the little ounce of craziness that had many of other SF series (except the ending, maybe, but I really disliked the Battlestar Galactica's ending, because it was too sudden, and lacking of logical explanations - which is the real opposite of the entire series). Instead it was cold as steel. No sneaky insolence.
Those years were sad to me. Some TV series were discontinued like X-Files, Farscape or Firefly, even comics movies were more cold (look at what Nolan did to Batman), but maybe the last 90's Batman movies were too cheesy :D.
I think that video games just saved SF in the late 2000's with the Mass Effect series for example, as some late 70's movies did with Starwars (even if it's more Space Fantasy than Science Fiction) and Alien or the Road Warrior.
When I see the resurgence of old and new Space Sims, I am really happy. I hope that SF movies and TV series will be bankable again. Gravity was praised, but while it's not SF, it made people thinking of space, and perhaps dreaming of it.
But I'm a bit afraid of what could happen if another "crisis" will come in the future.