stressthesky: I've read a lot on these forums, but I almost never participate in discussions. This is because this must be the calmest and most sedate place I've found on the internet, to the point where it's almost dull to discuss here because there's never any arguing.
There is a lot of arguing, you just have to find the the right threads. Instead of having 1000 battles, a day here, we have like a bloody war every once in awhile in a thread(usually about something many people are passionate about like DRM, feminism etc).
jamyskis: That's not been my perception. I know certain people get called out on hypocrisy a fair bit, but these forums are on the whole pretty civil. If you want insults, you need look no further than the Steam community forums - pretty nasty place to be at the best of times, although with the sheer number of people coming in and going out of there, that's probably no wonder (nothing to do with Steam itself, before anyone brings that up).
Regarding that minority of cases where flamewars do flare up, there's one thing you have to consider. GOG is first and foremost about DRM-free. Classic games is essentially just a side effect of this, because these were the only properties that publishers were willing to risk going DRM-free on to begin with. Most sites now do classic releases.
Consequently, the GOG forums have essentially become a hub for people who want DRM freedom. If you don't agree with this, then there's always the Steam forums or Reddit. No harm, no foul. Heck, the GOG forums are a nice place to be even if you're fairly ambivalent about the whole DRM topic.
But coming in with the attitude of wanting to show all these "DRM-free hipsters" and "pirates" how they're being "unrealistic" and whatever else is akin to barging into a church and screaming that God doesn't exist. This is a gathering of people who have an interest in DRM-free, so people shouldn't wonder if people react with a certain degree of hostility to having their views ridiculed.
If I've been hostile to anyone here in the past, it's because (a) I don't appreciate being dictated to regarding what I do with my own stuff and (b) I don't appreciate my views being ridiculed. Objectively criticised, sure, and I've had some interesting discussions with people on various topics here, but not put down simply for not conforming to the norm, which is what the likes of SimonG have been notorious for doing in the past.
The wonderful thing about the GOG forums is that we have such a diversity of views. Not everything is black and white. A few abide by a strict anti-DRM policy, others are very pro-Steam/Origin/Uplay. The majority sit somewhere in the middle.
Steam "community", ahahhaahaha. Comparing this forum to the Steam forums is like comparing Disneyland to Somalia.