theslitherydeee: Bump, and please read the whole thing before commenting. Thank you.
This belongs in classifieds.
Every single person who posts in classifieds _could_ construct some artificial reason why his post deserves special attention that all the thousands of other posts in the thread don't. Yours isn't even particularly convincing, imho, and also factually wrong (since new games are traded there as well, just with lower frequency).
With your reasoning, I could open up a dozen trade threads with similar justifications. Most people, though, understand that a community doesn't work if everyone demands special attention.
The fact that you seem brazen enough to not only demand special attention for your personal trade offer above all others, but also snub a fellow forum member who (correctly) pointed out your mistake, and even bump your own thread after no one showed interest, is rather ... disconcerting.
That said, I wouldn't even recommend getting Thief 2014 at this point because the game has horrible optimization issues, stutters even on lowest settings, and conversations are unintelligible because due to the timing issues everyone's talking at the same time and some lines don't get said at all. It might be worth checking out after a patch, or if someone has a really beefy machine, others should probably stay away until the patches roll in.