Posted June 23, 2013

I mean I never got the appeal of having bots. In MP Games like CS/Red Orchestra I avoid servers with bots on them like the plague.
They have seen with CoD how the majority of players go for the MP (plenty of them don't even touch the sp side of the game, just straight to mp).
As a smaller studio now and this being their first game it would have been a tremendous waste of their money and resources to build some epic big single player campaign that the majority of players coming into it wouldn't really touch/finish and would most likely spend their time in mp.
I never saw the appeal of single player in the CoD games, they are so damn linear in nature, just the same old thing over and over and over, run up to scripted point, fight waves of enemies, along with some AI squad members that are ZERO help and do nothing. IT was boring as hell and got old after the first CoD wher eit was actually something new/different back then.

really pretty much all fps shooters are scripted....
Like Medal of Honor: Allied Assult with it's epic Normandy beach landing sequences but kicked in overdrive.
However that kind of scripted focus with giant set pieces like the first one did has been wearing thin. They have done them so much in every CoD since then and there's sooooooooo many other fps that follow that path.
I just have gotten tired of that kind of fps single player thing. That's why I find myself enjoying RPGS a lot more then fps games these days, only rarely do I find some I enjoy like Stalker, Metro: Last Light, etc.