Theta_Sigma: The game looks brilliant, might I inquire as to what DRM it uses?
Skunk: Ah, it is brilliant.
Very rough around the edges, though, and precious little variety in character models. Also surprisingly short. But you get to explore strange worlds and cruise the galaxy in your own ship with a holographic AI while high on mushrooms and completely inebriated, and there's some nice humor, combat, and environments. Far from a perfect game, but I really loved the hell out of it.
As for the DRM, it's Starforce. I think it was supposed to have three activations, but I heard somebody I once gifted it to complain that they started with zero activations and weren't able to get it to run. Me personally, I don't believe there's anything wrong with circumventing DRM, and it's done rather easily here. I don't know or care about what Starforce does in the background, but I can tell you I got The Precursors up and running just fine on a machine with no internet access.
Ah, thanks for the info. Yeah, I have a copy of Spore Galactic Edition (didn't know at the time it used limited install SecuRom) I need to figure a way around the activations for as I had some issue with a previous computer and now it's a lovely paperweight.
birthday song. :D