wpegg: I'm not saying that GOG have it nailed design wise, but paging wouldn't help. I like to be able to move up and down the list without changing it. Perhaps a more lightweight list view would help, or maybe a better sorting feature. My experience of paging (apart from being hell to actually implement) is that it just muddies the waters for the other features. If you go to page 10 of a list, then you sort or filter the list differently, are you still on page 10? They may no longer be a page 10. The fact is you've got a lump of data you need to interrogate and splitting it up is not natural to the way people think.
Well, allow for all entries on one page too, definitely, but as long as they're loaded right away instead of needing to scroll through them bit by bit just so they'll load. You may find that even current browsers will stutter a bit when there are several hundred entries though, though I imagine less so than they do after needing to script-load all those hundreds bit by bit to get there.
As for filtering, sure, the catalog needs filters for specific genre(s) (and likely even genre combinations, possibly including perspective, whatever shows up on the gamecard), specific release year or year range, specific price or price range, possibly a search function for the developer / publisher list
s (as in, should be separate ones). But it's a shop, so unlike Google where you're likely looking for something specific, you may just want to browse, in which case any filters may hurt you.
(Reordering a paged list when you're not on page 1 should take you to page 1 though, that should be standard. It makes no sense to stay on the page you were. Not that any sites I know of do that...)
Not sure what advanced filtering you could do for the wishlist though, it's quite a mess as it is.