wpegg: General Discussion is notionally reserved for religious rants, and uninformed hateful opinions (the two may or may not overlap).
You might find that the people in the Tex Murphy sub forum will be more able to help.
It can be found here:
http://www.gog.com/en/forum/tex_murphy_series/ . It's a better place to post your question. Personally I can't help you, beyond that advice.
GOG really needs to set up a generic help forum as people tend not to go into any of the game specific subfora unless they're looking for help. Which tends to lead to no or little help being in most of those subfora.
Also a lot of the solutions apply to multiple games,
wpegg: But the OP said they'd had better, perhaps just by nostalgia. Anyway, the OP has started a thread in the correct place, best to add updates there:
http://www.gog.com/en/forum/tex_murphy_series/uakm_graphics SirPrimalform: I put it down to monitor difference then. They almost certainly played it on a CRT, which on low resolution modes could lend a nice smoothing effect.
CRT TV pictures never look pixelated despite only being 576/480 lines.
Sort of, CRTs are able to display multiple resolutions, LCDs and similar can't. To get a 800x600 image on an LCD the videocard or monitor has to double the appropriate number of pixels to fit the screen, or go with 1:1 and display on a tiny portion of the screen.
CRTs have more latitude with that and can put the pixels mostly arbitrary as long as it's in multiples of the dot pitch.
Or something along those lines.