Posted May 08, 2014
In case you haven't already heard of it, there are several tech demos of
Epics new engine, which you can try out:
The illumination and particle effects are quite impressive.
I've put up some galleries for each setting:
Or look here for a selection of it (beware: massive traffic):
Some useful console commands (Open up with tilde-key):
ghost - freefly, noclip
showhud - disables hud
toggledebugcamera - disable fixed camera in elemental and temple
fov - field of view
sg.PostProcessingQuality - use it to turn of chromatic aberration
sg.AntiAliasingQuality - use it to turn off (blurry) antialiasing
Epics new engine, which you can try out:
The illumination and particle effects are quite impressive.
I've put up some galleries for each setting:
Or look here for a selection of it (beware: massive traffic):
Some useful console commands (Open up with tilde-key):
ghost - freefly, noclip
showhud - disables hud
toggledebugcamera - disable fixed camera in elemental and temple
fov - field of view
sg.PostProcessingQuality - use it to turn of chromatic aberration
sg.AntiAliasingQuality - use it to turn off (blurry) antialiasing