Klumpen0815: I liked that:
http://de.anisearch.com/anime/312,hellsing (Please forget about the awful reboot with Nazi-vampires.)
Actually, the reboot is extremely faithful to the original comics. So, it's the 'real' thing. But yes, the unfaithful series is much more amusing. I consider both hilariously awful, but the first one has a more enjoyable tone.
As for the movie Van Helsing, I watched the first 3 or 4 minutes of it, got bored middle in some sort of werewolf frankenstein monster battle thing, quit, and never came back. I watched the enirety of Hansel and Gretel, though, and it was a boring waste of time. Taught me to not trust RedLetterMedia blindly. And thus, to not even try Jack the Giant Slayer.
That said, I'm also from the Peter Cushing school of vanhelsingsm (although Abronsius > Van Helsing by far).