It was a lot of fun. I would have been happy with just the show, but laying on a blanket on the grass having a picnic made it even better, I was very happy with the venue. They'd play music and have videos of the games running on screens, and each time a game would be showed, I'd just go "I could really go for playing that game right now." It was fun for everybody, all the little kids that had gone with their parents were loving it as well and they would freak out whenever a game they knew was on screen (which was a lot, I didn't expect a 12 year old kid to be able to name all the Castlevanias)
honorbuddy: I hate a whole roasted chicken, some grapes, and had a bunch of beer.
sheepdragon: One does not hate roasted chicken (no matter which part), grapes (no matter the quantity) or a bunch of beer (no matter the quantity here as well). You, sir, disgusts me.
Also, that sounds awesome.
Hahaha. Well, as I had meant to say, I did have a lot of beer, which would explain the typo.
JonhMan: Did they play Baba Yetu from Civ IV?
I think they have played it before.
"Baba yetu yetu..."
They did, and it was really awesome.