Gragt: Oh noes! Do you mean you did not cry when Aeris died?
I was at the verge of crying when
Snake had to crawl through the furnace, when Otacon's main squeeze sacrificed herself for the team (which went away fast when Otacon wouldn't shut the hell up about it), when Jackie-boy's girlfriend took a dirt nap, when I realized what a torn, f**ked up life Max Payne dealt with, and when I spent all that money on Hellgate: London Collector's Edition, hyped myself up for how awesome it would be, and it turned out to be garbage.
All of these moments felt more sincere than that entire game. They were moody for the sake of being moody. People call it the best game ever because of how moody everyone was, and Square rakes in sales with spin-offs that play off their nostalgia. I bet if you went and played it again right now, you would realize how shallow the interactions between the characters were.
That, and it's Final Fantasy. I tried to enjoy that series, I really did. I enjoy Kingdom Hearts, after all! There's just something about the way the gameplay works that irks me to no end. Final Fantasy X? Helluva story, but the gameplay felt awful. That's when I promised myself I would never play another Final Fantasy.
Oh, and Tifa's good-looking, but not as good-looking as Faith.