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high rated
Leave a message here to get a chance to grab a Steam gift of EYE Divine Cybermancy.

You need to have +25 rep and register before 2014. For your personal use only, no trading and no re-giting. But you can enter for an other member !
I'll choose the winner with the help of Sunday or Monday morning.

Optional, you can speak about FPS and RPG games. EYE Divine Cybermancy is one of my favorite game, it's very fun and addictive if you like the background of the game. Play it !

Good luck !


IT2013: i'm in. thank you.
Congrats IT2013 ! Please check your PM !
Post edited January 12, 2014 by benderz
Thank you very much benderz!

I am not in for myself, but I'd problably edit my post to enter for someone else.
im in please

i used to say FPS were my favourite games, but now i play more strategy types, grand strategy, or tactical level, usually military, and also alot more racing sims and military type sims.

i think my all time favourite fps though is S.T.A.L.K.E.R, always has been always will be, i followed it all the way from preview etc, to its completely different looking actual release, but ven the flawed gem that it is, is still awesome, especially with mods, such as stalker soup, AMK oblivion lost etc etc, ive played them all and love them all, however, shadow of chernobyl will always have that certain something......

Im in, thank you!
I am in. Thanks!

Talk about FPS or RPG? Well... I like them. Yeah. *awkward silence*
In for retsuseiba, thanks.
I'm in, thanks.
I like my FPS at 60 FPS :)
I'm in!

Don't have anything in particular to say about FPSs, except maybe that they make up a very high percentage of my Xbox360 collection.
May I? Would anyone mind if i enter? im interested in this... and i promised i wouldn't enter for any more lately.

FPS - well its *my* chosen game type and probably always will be, there just something i really enjoy. Though i am liking platformers and the lower level of brain power games of late its either to do with my crazy work schedule or a throw back to my early years of gaming (nes) *shrugs* dare i mention halo?

+ rep and a thankyou, good luck to all.
Post edited January 10, 2014 by chezybezy
I've a little story ! I played Battlefield 3 today. I didn't play the game for 6 months or something. Someone in the chatbox said I was a cheater. I guess I don't lost my skills during this time far of the game ! :-D
im in and thanks for the giveaway
I'm in and thanks for the giveaway :)
Not in but thanks benderz! +1
Thanks again Benderz for another nice giveaway (and REP+ again). I'm in this time for Retsuseiba :)

I like FPSs (and obviously RPGs :P), but I always care more for the single-player campaign mode than anything else, its story and gameplay. I don't care, play (or touch) the multiplayer component of any game.

I also have read that this game is quite fun. I don't have it, but maybe I will pick it up in the future, but for now, I have some great games that need to be played before... (:P)

Cheers! ^_^
Thanks for the contest. I'm no longer in as I have been gifted the game. :D Thanks, benderz!

I would like to enter for Lou if that's OK.
Post edited January 11, 2014 by adambiser