TimTom92: First off, I love reading this thread and seeing everyone's views.
But geez, some of you all can be quite harsh, especially people who are of religion
and people who are not.
I am a devout Roman Catholic and I have the utmost respect for people who choose to
not have a religion or believe in anything or however the proper term is.
Now by all means, there is free speech and you can go ahead and say what you will.
But, for both sides.. keep it clean and have some respect for each other!
Just like this topic; There is no right or wrong answer.
No more picking fights about religion. This is the reason why people dislike us. lol
"Dust your feet off at the doorstep and walk away"
- Tim
Rusty_Gunn: In my experience you would be a rare one, I've never been religious, but ever since I can remember pretty much any half-religious person I've met have tried to convert me (including aunts, uncles even my mother's now ex-boyfriend)
I'm not against people believing in what I don't but I will defend my personal beliefs when others try to add me to
their ranks.
I think if more people thought the way we do, the world would be a much better place. :)
Everyone has a choice, to be religious or not. As long as we keep to ourselves but be mindful and
respectful of others, then it will work.
I am one of those who will talk about god and my faith only to those who are willing to listen, mostly those people who approach me about religion in the first place.
If they don't want to hear it, I will thank them for their time and respect their decisions and treat them no less!
For me, I won't push my faith but will defend it if someone picks on our churches or memorials with a cross.
I wouldn't think that would be right. People are open to not believing in public as much as we are open to believing.
Again, all it comes down to is respect! I swear people on both sides need a whack to the head. lol