HereForTheBeer: I'm going to stick with my 9-year trend and not buy any new games this month.
Psyringe: Pretty much the same here. Occasionally there are games I buy new, but that's a very rare occasion - I think the last three games I bought new were Civ4, Oblivion, and GalCiv 2.
Thirded. I can't remember clearly the last three games I bought
NEW new, actually, like $50/$60 hot-off-the-shelf new, but one of them probably also was Civ IV (long-time Civ-series fan). I think two others might have been Condemened: Criminal Origins and the Sid Meier's Pirates! remake, though even those might have been slightly discounted. Again, hazy memory. And I willingly dropped out of the up-to-date gaming-with-monster-rig rat race years ago.