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Got offered:

System Shock™ 2 75% OFF - $2.49

(bought the gift code)

Will trade for:

Gothic I, II or III

*edit: Gothic III is also fine instead of Gothic II or II.
Post edited December 16, 2013 by DubConqueror
For Dec 15, 2013

Tales of Monkey Island 85% off for $5.24

Make me an offer.
Cardian: I got Stacking for 2.99 (80% off) today in Brave New Worlds. Also still got Jade Empire and Planescape up for trades.
tinyE: You got Jade? What are you looking for in trade?
Oh shit, that rhymed! :P
wanderer_27: I've Outlast today - $6.66 (66% off)

Cardian: I got Stacking for 2.99 (80% off) today in Brave New Worlds. Also still got Jade Empire and Planescape up for trades.
wanderer_27: Might be interesting in Stacking, what are you looking for?
Well, what I'd really like is Papers, Please!, but I'm always open for reasonable offers ;)
Post edited December 15, 2013 by Cardian
Got Dyad @ $3.74, from brave new wooooorlds.
Has anyone got a free game yet? I've heard rumors that its possible but haven't seen any confirmation yet. Or looking in all the wrong places.

I got Retro City Rampage for $2.99 in my Brave New World offer fyi.
ww_gog: Has anyone got a free game yet? I've heard rumors that its possible but haven't seen any confirmation yet. Or looking in all the wrong places.
Seems like dudetterinazor did, according to this post.

EDIT: And a few posts later, mrking58 got Fahrenheit free, which I trade a game for.
Post edited December 15, 2013 by IAmSinistar
ww_gog: Has anyone got a free game yet? I've heard rumors that its possible but haven't seen any confirmation yet. Or looking in all the wrong places.
IAmSinistar: Seems like dudetterinazor did, according to this post.

EDIT: And a couple posts later, mrking58 got Fahrenheit free, which I trade a game for.
Oh nice. I tried to keep up with the threads when the sale started but it ended up a lost cause. With 4-5 user created threads and 2 official blue threads, it was hopeless. Much like the insomnia sales thread which had a life of its own, and I think is still kicking around.
On a purely personal note, I was more curious if a $10 or more game was free in one of the boxes. Got my eye on Aarkash and will probably buy it on the last day but hoping to see it surprise me :).
Got Sim City 2000 for 1.79$ today.

Interested in The Last Express or Escape Goat =)
I have Influx: $2.49
Ok, why not?

For Dec 15, 2013:

Got offered in Timeless Classics:
Thief 2: The Metal Age - 75% off, final price: $2.49

Would trade for:
Giants: Citizen Kabuto - 75% off, final price: $2.49
Lilly Looking Through - 75% off, final price: $2.49

(I could also do Uplink - 80% off, final price: $1.19, but sadly there's no game of exact equal value I'm actually interested in)

EDIT: Removed Omikron: The Nomad Soul, as I traded it with sushirogue.
Post edited December 15, 2013 by HypersomniacLive
theslitherydeee: I have Influx: $2.49
PM'd an offer
theslitherydeee: I have Influx: $2.49
wanderer_27: PM'd an offer
Thanks for the offer but I'm going to have to pass. I'm more interested in shooters.
Got Omikron: The Nomad Soul for $2.49. Willing to trade for either Neverwinter Nights, Baldur's Gate or a fair offer. Thanks.

Edit: Someone already took the offer. Sorry to anyone who might have been interested.
Post edited December 15, 2013 by sushirogue
wanderer_27: PM'd an offer
theslitherydeee: Thanks for the offer but I'm going to have to pass. I'm more interested in shooters.
How about a Steam Key for Shattered Horizon, it's a shooter type ? :
Have: Book of Unwritten Tales for 80% off (3.99)
Assassin's Creed: Director's Cut for 50% off (from Yesterday

Want: Papers, Please