Posted December 21, 2013
Beneath a Steel Sky's Joey, Planescape: Torment's Morte and Primordia's Crispin are the best companions *ever*. They're not particularly likable or useful, aside some particular instances with each one, but they provide a stark contrast of lightheartedness and humour against otherwise post-apocalyptic serious dark backdrops and settings, bringing some humanity into the whole equation, and making the games they're in more relatable and in touch with emotional reality.
Now, on the opposite side of those, I'd have to say Dust: An Elysian Tail's Fidget... nothing more than Navi on steroids, pretty much the most annoying companion to ever grace a video game. Appalling voice acting, "cutesy-pukesy" design clearly made to please "young sensitive" gamers born on the internet age, who gladly swallow every single CUTE KAWAI ZOMG! FURRIES! thing people shove down their metaphorical throats, annoying interruptions, pseudo-funny jokes that only 6 year olds could probably laugh with... she's a mess. Fortunately, she is pretty useful in combat, but the rest is just so miserable, not even that can redeem her..
Now, on the opposite side of those, I'd have to say Dust: An Elysian Tail's Fidget... nothing more than Navi on steroids, pretty much the most annoying companion to ever grace a video game. Appalling voice acting, "cutesy-pukesy" design clearly made to please "young sensitive" gamers born on the internet age, who gladly swallow every single CUTE KAWAI ZOMG! FURRIES! thing people shove down their metaphorical throats, annoying interruptions, pseudo-funny jokes that only 6 year olds could probably laugh with... she's a mess. Fortunately, she is pretty useful in combat, but the rest is just so miserable, not even that can redeem her..
Post edited December 21, 2013 by groze