Moonbeam: You need to clear it.
when I clear it, it will remove all the installers/extras from the folder I downloaded it too. It doesn't always clear the cache sometimes I will relocate my backups to a new directory via cut/paste and then uninstall the download utility then run ccleaner, reinstall it later if I buy new games.and it will begin redownloading old games, sometimes exe installer files are not there sometimes they are, the contents it redownloads are random(as far as I know). The Witcher RedKit tools often gets redownloaded reguardless of whether I clear it off the cue or not.
vanchann: You have to clear the list of downloaded games.
There's a "clean" button on the top next to "pause all" and "resume all" buttons.
It doesn't redownload all your games though. It checks if you have the latest versions downloaded. If not then starts downloading the new files.
I've found the only way to clear it is to go online(sometimes I do it offline-but when I go back on it just replenishes the cache) and individually right click/"remove from list" that is, after I relocate my backups/extras to a different folder that the tool can't "see". since it clears the original location.