timppu: Not in.
- Being a PC gamer, I learned not to be afraid of computers, even trying to fix them myself. I'm unsure if I'd be in my current profession without PC gaming, could be that I would be something like a doctor or an used cars dealer instead.
- I increased my English vocabulary and reading skills quite a bit by playing adventure games in English. Thank god games are not localized here, nor movies are dubbed.
- I am another person who learned quite a bit of history by playing e.g. Age of Empires games. History never was my favorite subject at school (not because I have no interest in history, but my poor teachers made it feel like it is only about learning names and years by heart), and before AOE games I couldn't really tell the difference between Attila the Hun and Genghis Khan. Both were some mass murderers who raped and pillaged half of the world, probably from somewhere East.
- If I ever was on an airplane where the captain and co-pilots get a serious food poisoning, I would probably be the guy who'd try to land the plane according to the instructions from the radio, and having at least some understanding of the terms and what (basic) things to be aware of. The landing would probably still fail and we would all die (maybe even hitting the terminal or another plane on the runway, increasing the number of casualties), but at least rest of the passengers could live the last minutes of their life in an illusion that we have a chance after all. Never stop hoping, even when you're dying! OR you can let someone who knows how to fly a plane, land the plane. LOL