AngryAlien: Thank you for the fast replies. I don't necessarily need a GOG key, as long as the game is not tied to Steam, I am a happy little gamer!
Aveweto: you could have gotten those replies even without a new thread on this topic as theres enough of them around already
My humble apologies for creating such an inconvinience. I've read through dozens of pages and a vast number of posts without finding an answer, I must have overread it. Then I've asked that question in one of said topics, but something must have went gone wrong, because my post vanished into digital oblivion more than once. So I decided to create a new topic.
Now that I had some time to consider your objection, I see that I was terribly...
terribly wrong. All the confusion I might have caused. All the wasted energy and web space. All the pain, fear and suffering. I hope seeing me shattered might ease your anger and your pain at least a bit. And just in case that not, I wrote an Haiku for you...
While slashing windpipes
In Witcher 3 think of me
I am so sorry