Efrath: Yeah, I recently heard about Impulse, and it seems nice and all but... Why the regional restrictions? I suppose I could check this up myself, but I'm a lazy bum... Why exactly is the regional restrictions needed? I assume it's the game companies that requests Impulse to put in regional restrictions but... Wouldn't they earn MORE money if they had no restrictions?
I mean, regional pricings I can understand (Although I dislike it) but how does regional restrictions make sense from an economical point of view?
As I understand it, it boils down to most big publishers having self-contained regional divisions, such as North America, Europe and Asia. These divisions are completely independent on an operational level and often have differing ideas about how products and services will positively effect their profit margins. For instance Sony Computer Entertainment America and Sony Computer Entertainment Europe have a long history of not getting on very well.
Regional restrictions are not a new problem, many games have been released at retail in the US for instance but never made it here to the UK, such as Final Fantasy Tactics and Xenogears on the Playstation, Katamari Damacy on the Playstation 2. Also a large number of sports titles and licensed products tend to be region limited.
The reasons for these decisions I would think lie with the cost of production not being justified by the projected sales, which in many ways is understandable (just how well will the latest baseball titles sell in most of Europe).
The problem I have with regional restrictions via digital distrubution is that these costs no longer exist so I don't believe that we as customers should suffer because large publishing corporations cannot get their act together and create an online sales division. That it simply the reason why I pretty much only use GOG for my downloadable game needs because until retailers start forcing publishers to drop this nonsense it will just continue.
The Regional Pricing issue is a little different and as far as I can tell is basically down to the greed of the publishers and what they can get away with charging. It is completely unfair and unreasonable and again like above I will not support it.