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adamzs: An orgy with lesbians? Unless you yourself are a lesbian, I don't see that working out for you.
Forgot to fix that. 20 man-hungry hotties, then. A bit much for one session, though. Time is of the essence.
GameRager: Sounds like something i'd like to partake in......any ideas where one signs up for such an event? XD
oldschool: Lol, sorry bud i can't hook you up just yet 8).
Another thing to note, if you have an active sexual life it's a nice thing to get a STD panel every 6 months or so (depending on the number of partners) even if you use condoms.

I find it that few people (guys especially) do this and always makes me go "WTF", don't you have any respect for yourself or your partners?

As for threesomes (FFM), remember that things are a bit more complicated than porn makes it look: even if you yourself (as a male) can't catch anything you can very well spread it from partner to partner by using the same condom, so either make sure that the person you bring in bed is clean, or switch condoms (also, if using your hands, don't use the same one for both partners).
keeveek: I don't know how stupid you have to be to not wear a condom when you don't want to have a baby. (or other types of birth control that works, not moon phases based)
Heh, the moon phases thing works sometimes. Like, when the moon phases onto the earth, chances are you won't survive long enough to give birth...
AndrewC: As for threesomes (FFM), remember that things are a bit more complicated than porn makes it look: even if you yourself (as a male) can't catch anything you can very well spread it from partner to partner by using the same condom, so either make sure that the person you bring in bed is clean, or switch condoms (also, if using your hands, don't use the same one for both partners).
Very excellent advise, and one that is indeed difficult to imagine, yet obvious, that condoms themselves can become infected.
Post edited August 18, 2012 by Protoss
Good question.I can tell that this thread is getting to be very educational.

So, how exactly do you choreograph a threesome?.... To be more specific the two chicks and a guy kinda threesome.

Frankly, a condom is rendered ineffective if used more than once. In fact it is advisable to change condoms when you erm change holes/positions during an elongated session with the same partner.

AndrewC: Another thing to note, if you have an active sexual life it's a nice thing to get a STD panel every 6 months or so (depending on the number of partners) even if you use condoms.

I find it that few people (guys especially) do this and always makes me go "WTF", don't you have any respect for yourself or your partners?

As for threesomes (FFM), remember that things are a bit more complicated than porn makes it look: even if you yourself (as a male) can't catch anything you can very well spread it from partner to partner by using the same condom, so either make sure that the person you bring in bed is clean, or switch condoms (also, if using your hands, don't use the same one for both partners).
Post edited August 18, 2012 by Lionel212008
Lionel212008: So, how exactly do you choreograph a threesome?.... To be more specific the two chicks and a guy kinda threesome.
Lots of options here, just make sure it's good for everyone involved.
Lionel212008: So, how exactly do you choreograph a threesome?.... To be more specific the two chicks and a guy kinda threesome.
OctopusMan: First you have sex while someone else is using the shower, then you take a shower while someone else is having sex, then someone else takes the shower while you are busy having sex again, before you take the shower back to have sex. While you are using the shower someone else are having sex, outside the shower, but inside the perimeter of the bathroom. While inside the bathroom you swap places with another couple which do not go straight for the shower but rather hang outside of it waiting for their turn. Then it turns complicated.
Lionel212008: So, how exactly do you choreograph a threesome?.... To be more specific the two chicks and a guy kinda threesome.
The easiest way is to plan ahead of time and go all and get tested (this also shows just how "easy" it is to properly organize any playdate with more than 2 partners in a safe environment).

Another option is to just take turns and switch condoms in between; this has the obvious disadvantage of slowing things down, but can also be really fun as you can integrate a bit more foreplay/teasing into the whole thing. One thing to note here though is that yet again, this is one of the critical points in time when shit can go wrong health-wise.

Now, if you really want to be as close to 100% safety then you'd be using dental dams when going down on the girls though this takes all of the fun out of it (at least for me).

When it comes to sex with more than one partner it's all about taking a calculated risk (as are one night stands and any sexual activity which involves a non-regular/stable partner) so my general advice is not to just pick someone up from a club for a threesome without first being aware of the risks and always remember that 90% of the people out there don't get regularly tested (or worse, may lie) so asking if they have any STI's (that's the new term, isn't it?) might not be so helpful.
Sex position ? Bitch, please, i'm gamer, i don't have sex ;(
Logan40: Sex position ? Bitch, please, i'm gamer, i don't have sex ;(
Hahahhaha! :D
orcishgamer: Yeah, set a calendar alarm, or just switch them out every 15 days. I don't know that they degrade as fast as "every few days" but if you carry one too long it will develop very small holes.
Darling_Jimmy: Depends how much faith you put in quality control, I guess. Bars, clubs, colleges, universities and various community centres all give out free condoms so anyone can easily replenish a small supply every few days while he is out and about. And I (personally) think this is one of those better safe than sorry things.

Let's just say I wouldn't want to be the day-15 guy.
True, but I spend a buck apiece on them, so I'd prefer not to replace unused ones every 3 days. Still, I try not to keep them right against my body heat (i.e. I avoid using my wallet to hold them whenever possible).
You guys can satisfy fully two girls at once? Geez.... ;-)
AndrewC: Another thing to note, if you have an active sexual life it's a nice thing to get a STD panel every 6 months or so (depending on the number of partners) even if you use condoms.

I find it that few people (guys especially) do this and always makes me go "WTF", don't you have any respect for yourself or your partners?

As for threesomes (FFM), remember that things are a bit more complicated than porn makes it look: even if you yourself (as a male) can't catch anything you can very well spread it from partner to partner by using the same condom, so either make sure that the person you bring in bed is clean, or switch condoms (also, if using your hands, don't use the same one for both partners).
You can do a panel up to every 3 months, and it's a good idea. Most STDs show up in a couple of days (i.e. you'll know if you have gonorrhea or crabs right away) and will show up on tests that fast even if you have no symptoms. HIV, is of course, the tricky one, the test won't show it for 6 months.

So, doing a panel every 3 months is probably good, and remember, unless you ask they may not include the HIV and HSV 2 tests.

Finally, I've been told by my doctor that the HPV vaccine is effective on adult males, even if you're sexually active (HPV causes genital warts). This one is nasty as something like 40% of males will have no symptoms, but can still pass it on. Almost all cases of cervical cancer is caused by HPV. Your insurance won't cover it, but it's 2 shots spaced a couple months apart and beats getting warts by a million miles, I would guess. Even though most cases are not nearly as bad as the gross pictures you see online, it still takes 1 year for your body to clear out an infection. There's two vaccines, both protects against 3 identical strains and one protects against an extra strain, get the one that does 4.

Finally, talk to your doctor about the vaccine, I'm not your doctor and it's up to you two to come up with health decisions about yourself. I'm just sending out the "FYI".
Lionel212008: Frankly, a condom is rendered ineffective if used more than once. In fact it is advisable to change condoms when you erm change holes/positions during an elongated session with the same partner.
One would think this would be obvious... but maybe not.

Yeah, bacteria from anal is going to cause an infection if you get it in her vagina. A few baby wipes and some extra condoms near wherever you two end up is easy enough and the cleanup between switches is fast enough that it doesn't ruin the mood.
Post edited August 18, 2012 by orcishgamer
This may sound like a stupid question, but I'm really curious. Is the vaginal fluid bad in any way (I mean, from a perfectly healthy female)?