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I don't know i've never tried. sadface.jpg.
Post edited February 11, 2012 by Druidshinobi
kalirion: And yet in a gaming forum you do expect to find discussions of Hentai games.
Navagon: I can't say I've ever noticed more than a cursory mention of them here.
Katawa Shojo anyone?

In any case, if porn games are appropriate for a gaming forum, I don't see why sex positions should not be.
Navagon: A very fair point indeed. Perhaps that's an entirely separate argument though. And a far more serious one. As I'm not really sure where that's supposed to leave us. Does that mean that the forums should have an equally 'anything goes' policy?

Then again my original argument was that this forums' content should be at least somewhat appropriate for those that are likely to be using them. In light of GOG's lack of age restrictions it's difficult to maintain that the forums should succeed where GOG does not. So while I might not particularly want this to become another anarchistic board, the ball is ultimately in GOG's court on that one.

As for damaging religious extremists, usually they're torn apart pretty quickly. If others don't get in there first, I certainly will. There won't be much left for a kid to be influenced by.
Your argument rests on the basis that a discussion of sexual positions is inappropriate. Why is that for you to decide what is or isn't inappropriate for someone else's kids? I don't mean this question to sound hostile at all. I am just curious of the mentality of someone trying to get everyone else to not talk about sex because that someone thinks that certain discussions about sex should be withheld from children's ears. I don't really understand why listing sexual positions is inappropriate.
Post edited February 10, 2012 by da187jimmbones
I'm sorry to have to point out the elephant in the room here, but I would like to say:

The topic of preferred sexual positions, is totally uninteresting. Why would I care? If I'm not in the position, with the woman, I don't care.
Slightly OT but as a youngster I was watching with friends this comedies Lemon Popsicle (I think german name for them was Eis am Stiel) and in one part, a character played by a chubby fellow got stuck inside girl during sex. For years I was thinking how it was possible to get stuck and if it's a real risk of having sex. But back to topic I must say depends on the mood, my wife's and mine.
rangun: Slightly OT but as a youngster I was watching with friends this comedies Lemon Popsicle (I think german name for them was Eis am Stiel) and in one part, a character played by a chubby fellow got stuck inside girl during sex. For years I was thinking how it was possible to get stuck and if it's a real risk of having sex. But back to topic I must say depends on the mood, my wife's and mine.
Not possible. This particular goofy idea probably comes from watching dogs too closely.

Anyway, we like spoons for when we want to go at it for hours, cowgirl or missionary if one of us wants to do some serious thrusting.
No position here, as I need to find one first. Give me another 5 years and a nice lady, I might be able to pull it off.

On the whole sexual censorship thing, I think it is fine to talk about sex and discuss it, as the more people who know about these things, will be able to enjoy themselves more. If there are any children who are investigating the topic, it is also important for them to find information that would help ensure their safety and make the transition into adulthood enjoyable - this means knowing about condoms, STDs, making sure you don't poke the other hole in your partner without preparation, how children are made, predators, and so on. Staying quiet on the topic either make children rebellious or clueless, which may endanger their lives.

Considering how much we expose children to the concept of violence, I don't think that censoring sexual aspects of life as fair nor helpful. Would anyone seriously advocate that beheadings, torture, or murder on the TV screen is better than a happy-sex porn flick?
Vestin: snip
My hero.
llamas: Her: Is that it?
I didn't need to click on this link to know it was Flight of the Conchords. Yes, I was thinking of this when writing this,
llamas: she gives me an hj.
orcishgamer: I hate that, I'm the grand fucking master at that (for myself), I don't need anyone else to do it. I do, however, need someone else to do other more interesting stuff.
Yes, but when someone else is doing the work making the mess at the end is so much more fun. Myself, I'm constantly amazed at the sheer volume of *love* I have to give.
Post edited February 10, 2012 by llamas
yeaaah...I wouldn't know :(
Post edited February 11, 2012 by jefequeso
SimonG: I like sex like I like my games: Long, hard and with multiple endings!
...what he said :D
Frankly, I'm a bit embarrassed by the little amount of sex I've had up to this point in my life. Having just turned 30 really drives the point home quite well. Oh, well, guess that's what happens when you don't have any really significant relationships.

Sure, sex can be good fun, but I still like it to be more meaningful than just simple throwaway one-night stands. I'm pretty sure I could have plenty more opportunities over the years without that stance.

Anywho, back on topic, I'm pretty boring when I do get around to doing it: cowgirl, spooning. I guess I just like it simple. *shrug*
Post edited February 11, 2012 by mistermumbles
Did someone already explain what the leapfrog position is? I hope it doesn't involve any actual leaping and croaking, right?

I'll have to ask that sometime in the bed "Hey, do the leapfrog thing!", and then see what she can come up with. I'm pretty sure she doesn't want to appear ignorant, so she'll invent something.
Post edited February 11, 2012 by timppu
timppu: Did someone already explain what the leapfrog position is? I hope it doesn't involve any actual leaping and croaking, right?

I'll have to ask that sometime in the bed "Hey, do the leapfrog thing!", and then see what she can come up with. I'm pretty sure she doesn't want to appear ignorant, so she'll invent something.
I thought it was an alternate name for doggie, but I could be wrong.
timppu: Did someone already explain what the leapfrog position is? I hope it doesn't involve any actual leaping and croaking, right?
Well it's the same thing as doggy style, except woman doesn't support herself by hands (i. e. her body is not horizontal as with doggy style, she lets her upper body to fall on bed ... or ... Grass ... Or ... Metatallic floor of space station. That would be awesome.)