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Vagabond: Cross-legged in a rolling chair with my left hand.
Nobody here is offended. Just bewildered that this topic is here and not on
kavazovangel: This thread is awesome! :D
I agree!

How about adding it to "Welcome please read"

back on topic:

I like sex like I like my games: Long, hard and with multiple endings!
Fenixp: And aside from that, we are on a website that sells incredibly violent games and, yes, games including lots of sex with no age restrictions whatsoever.
Navagon: But someone swinging a sword around thinking they're Geralt might only cost you an arm. Having to raise an unwanted kid would cost you an arm and a leg.
Well actually, I believe that talking about sex is what prevents unwanted children the most. I know of people who are so afraid of sex because of how they were raised that they don't even know proper methods of anti conception and STDs. To encourage talk about sex is to encourage spread of information about one of the most vital part of life, and being better informed was never a bad thing. Of course, I am no psychologist and I might be completely wrong.
DieRuhe: Personally I'm happy that there are still forums where you can pretty much discuss whatever you want to.
Well apparently you CAN'T, actually :D This forum is pretty much self-moderated, so if enough users think you have crossed a line, it's kind of like you broke the rules.
Post edited February 10, 2012 by Fenixp
Whatever you opinion of this thread, the humour alone is worth it. So much comedy in one little thread(so far). :D :D :D :D

It's good to talk about sex, imho. Much with everything in life, it's either too extreme or prudish to hell. It's important to have a middle ground, this is one, so far.

I don't have a favourite, simply because I never actually did 'it'. No, it's not ALL to do with my religion, it's more to do with a serious problem I had which took all the desire for sex out of me, for a long long time. Still don't have that desire but it's coming back, now that I'm happily engaged.

Anyway, you magnificent bastards, keep up the humour. ;)
Post edited February 10, 2012 by mushy101
Fenixp: Well actually, I believe that talking about sex is what prevents unwanted children the most.
The sheer failure of Church imposed abstinence only education actually serves as yet another aspect of the faith that, when looked at properly, completely unravels it. But I digress. Point is, I agree with you completely on that point.

But sex education should nonetheless be provided by those actually trying to provide it rather than some randy forumers who couldn't give a fuck about kids or what they might get up to when misguided and curious.
Fenixp: <>

To encourage talk about sex is to encourage spread of information about one of the most vital part of life, and being better informed was never a bad thing. Of course, I am no psychologist and I might be completely wrong.

I agree with this completely. Sex should be okay to talk about. If a parent thinks sex isn't okay to talk about, that's fine too. It's their job to make sure their child is not exposed to unwanted conversations about sex. It isn't our job to censor ourselves, and it shouldn't be the job of forum moderators to censor their forums. Who are we to tell some kid what he or she should or shouldn't be reading about? Only the parent(s) should restrict their children regarding what their children read.

We're all humans and want to know more about ourselves. Parents can handle it. If they can't, that's their "problem." Let people converse freely otherwise. Sex isn't "inappropriate." It's apart of life and discussing it like any commonplace topic should be just fine.

Yes, this is all just my opinion. I'm not stating fact here. I am speaking only for myself and my own opinion.
Someday ... I'll try a sex position.

And after that, maybe a different one.

Then I will finally be able to report which one is my favorite.
The "drunk on the couch in front of the porno on the big screen" position. At least those are the most memorable.
kalirion: Someday ... I'll try a sex position.

And after that, maybe a different one.

Then I will finally be able to report which one is my favorite.
Another vote for this one.
Stuff: I simply pointed out that this is an international community, open 7/24 to all ages and THIS thead is not appropriate . . . IMHO.
Navagon: I have to agree. I've got nothing against this kind of topic appearing on the right kind of board. But as old as the average age of GOGers is, it most certainly doesn't rule out the possibility of younger members and we do have to be conscious of that (to a degree. I won't take it to the lengths of watching my language or anything...).
I'm going to go out on a limb and say that's a parental problem. If you really care that little Johnny might stumble across this perhaps you should set some limits on little Johnny. Now, with that said, I'm not for booby trapping people with random links or "surprise, GROSS!" images, but the subject topic was clear and the OP didn't get extremely graphic.
orcishgamer: If you really care that little Johnny might stumble across this perhaps you should set some limits on little Johnny.
Totally agree. Parental responsibility and all that. But this is a gaming forum it's a bit much to expect a parent to predict sexual content here. While there may be many "fucking cunt" comments posted here, that's usually just as an expletive, not a sexual comment.
1* TIL Stuff is an asshole, abuses ellipses and uses the "if you don't understand why X is right, you're too stupid to be talked to" argument.
2* Not a single person has managed to explicitly state why sex should be a "taboo", something which is not discussed. Why ? That's because the reasons aren't logical, they're cultural - it's "not something we talk about openly" and therefore we find it "odd", "wrong"... Since I value freedom quite a bit, I'd encourage all of you to reconsider whether this SHOULD be "inapropriate" and if so - why ?
Explicit control is manageable - it's when someone forces you at gunpoint or threatens to beat the crap out of you if you refuse to yield.
Implicit control is a lot more sinister - it's when people "internalize" values they are culturally drenched in and present them as their own, even fighting in their name.
3* I'm sure GOG-tan is currently covering her lips with the tips of her left-hand fingers, her eyes wide open and her cheeks blushing heavily ;)...
4* Of ALL the things, of all the places, of all the people... you guys actually use "think of the children" as a valid argument ? That's the most pathetic cop-out I've ever heard.
Imagine that there are no children here and this argument is moot. Why ese shouldn't we talk about sex ? See #2.
4.2* Is this the forum of GOG customers ? Well - they most likely need a credit card, right ? You know where I'm going with this...
4.3* Even if this place somehow has a few children here, browsing through the forum (of all the things a child can do), knowing ENGLISH well enough to understand everything we're saying... should we REALLY adjust everything we say just because of them ?
IF (and that's quite a debatable issue) children should be shielded from certain content, it's not the WHOLE WORLD that should be self-censoring just to fulfil that requirement. Rather - it's the CHILDREN who should be limited in what they're exposed to.
4.4* Aren't we implicitly saying "video games are for children" by trying to curtail this place specifically because it's somehow supposed to be for them ?
5* Or maybe it's in bad taste to talk about sex on a gaming forum because that's a place whose residents' first-hand experience with the subject is restricted to said first hand ;) ?
Had to look and see if this was real, these are the kinds of things that make GOGamers so awesome.
5 made me laugh, but to answer 4.3 the answer is a huge, gigantic "NO." So many should not self censor in order to "protect" children from something they either (a) don't need to be protected from, and/or (b) whose parents need to do the protecting and no one else. If these children really can read English and if they know how to navigate the internet well enough to find forums such as this, then the damage (if you think it is damage) is already done. The children have the tools and knowledge already necessary to discover all of the dangerous information on sex.

This is an important point because the point extends into other areas of society. Censorship on TV for example is out of hand. The MPAA causes directors to censor their own movies so that they can release movies with a lower rating in order to get more ticket sales. We're all impacted by this shit.
Navagon: But this is a gaming forum it's a bit much to expect a parent to predict sexual content here.
And yet in a gaming forum you do expect to find discussions of Hentai games.