lugum: so every kid will watch porn on the internet? its a difference when you go to a forum about and for gaming and not be subjected to porn or look for it on your own choice.
AndrewC: But you are not subjected to porn, you actively clicked on this thread and chose to read it despite having a clear title about its content.
And besides, this is the general discussion part of the forum, and I don't read that as general
gaming discussions, I'm sorry.
Stuff: My point exactly, I can be as crude as the next guy but here . . . on a game forum . . . adolescent at the least to make these kind of threads.
AndrewC: But why do you have to be crude when talking about sex?
wonder how it might tick off some parent filters, or even parents when they might see their kid thinking on an innocent forum their alarms going off on the word sex.
there are many other places for these kind of questions and discussions.
and when you are young, and see the word sex , porn or whatever offcourse you are curious and go have a look