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Children of Morta现已开启预售。在发售前购买该游戏可享受9折的优惠并免费赠送该游戏的原声集。


Bergson一族世世代代以神秘山脉的守护者自居,看守着这座Mount Morta。如今他们一族面临着最危险的审判......腐朽之息不断蔓延,曾经平和的山脉变成了充斥着暴力、犹如怪兽般的噩梦。感受这个英雄一族的存在意义。成为他们的旅程的一员、参与他们的斗争并与他们享受共同的胜利!


Children of Morta is now available for pre-order. Save 10% and get an official soundtrack free until release.

The Bergson family has watched over Mount Morta for generations as the guardians of the mystical mountain. They now face their most dangerous trial as a family... Corruption has spread, morphing the once peaceful mountain into a violent and monster infested nightmare. Experience what it means to be in a family of heroes. Take part in their journey, their struggles, and their victories!