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Engerek01: I should be able to participate if some emergency doesnt come up. I like to think that I am good at playing Druid, Rogue and Sorcerer in that order (Free mage Armor for everyon!! yayyy). My Druid loves casting Barkskin and can stand on his own in the front line.

Natural Good Elf Druid
STR 14
DEX 16
CON 10
WIS 16
INT 10
CHA 10

I wrote abilities from memory so they can change. I am choosing Elf to be able to use Longsword and LongBow. I will also wield a shield to boost my AC.

SKILLS: (I can max 4)
* Concentration
* Heal
* Spellcraft
* Animal Empathy (Which I can dumb for Tumble. I can leave Tumble at level 1 or I can get it to 5 at level 6 which will give +1 AC. )

I am leaving Lore and Persuade to our Bard and Search and Spot to our Rogue.
Yay! That should be extremely late or early in Turkey?

I love druids! Thanks for joining the party!

And I like me some lore and persuading. :)

I should also note, I'm a slow reader. So bear with me!
A few questions:

1) Are we using client-side characters? (should we work out our characters beforehand?)

2) Do we need any haks? I have some CEPs installed already.

3) Are you providing the server?

7:30 PM (-6 time) is 3.30 AM my time (which is +2 zone). I normally wake up at 4.30 so its not a problem. I will try to wake up at 3 am just to be on the safe side.

Do we need to download anything? When I searched the vault I found like 25 different Aielund Saga module which 5 of them are Act 1. If you can direct us to the correct vault we can download necessary files in advance.

I am the slowest reader :))

First time I am playing NWN1 online. I feel it will be fun.
Engerek01: 7:30 PM (-6 time) is 3.30 AM my time (which is +2 zone). I normally wake up at 4.30 so its not a problem. I will try to wake up at 3 am just to be on the safe side.

Do we need to download anything? When I searched the vault I found like 25 different Aielund Saga module which 5 of them are Act 1. If you can direct us to the correct vault we can download necessary files in advance.

I am the slowest reader :))

First time I am playing NWN1 online. I feel it will be fun.
Hello again!Ill post the link ive downloaded Act I
Here you can download everything including Cep and Hak.
Remember that we are gonna play entire saga if possible but you can begin downloading Act I Today.

PS:Add me and meet me in chat if possible
Post edited January 29, 2016 by FairyMaster
Engerek01: 7:30 PM (-6 time) is 3.30 AM my time (which is +2 zone). I normally wake up at 4.30 so its not a problem. I will try to wake up at 3 am just to be on the safe side.

Do we need to download anything? When I searched the vault I found like 25 different Aielund Saga module which 5 of them are Act 1. If you can direct us to the correct vault we can download necessary files in advance.

I am the slowest reader :))

First time I am playing NWN1 online. I feel it will be fun.
FairyMaster: Hello again!Ill post the link ive downloaded Act I
Here you can download everything including Cep and Hak.
Remember that we are gonna play entire saga if possible but you can begin downloading Act I Today.

PS:Add me and meet me in chat if possible
Thank you!

I don't have Galaxy for chat (I'm on Linux and GOG hasn't released the client yet for us). But I can chat on the website. Unfortunately, life does not permit me to hang out at the keyboard for too long.
I added you both.

CEP file is huge. 5 GB. 7 GB with the 2.61 Update. I downloaded everything in the requirements section and I have no idea what to do with them :))

EMS Changes.txt file says.

Druid Spells

If you're wearing metal armour, which is anything other than Cloth or Light, any spell you attempt to cast will AUTOMATICALLY FAIL. I don't care that BW incorrectly gave you Medium Armour proficiency, or that you can MC to Fighter and run around in Full Plate with no side-effects. EMS is about fixing bugs, and that's a bug. Deal with it. You're lucky you don't lose all spellcasting for 24 hours, which is the real rule.

That sucks. Why did they change a core element of the game like that?
Post edited January 30, 2016 by Engerek01
Engerek01: I added you both.

CEP file is huge. 5 GB. 7 GB with the 2.61 Update. I downloaded everything in the requirements section and I have no idea what to do with them :))

EMS Changes.txt file says.

Druid Spells

If you're wearing metal armour, which is anything other than Cloth or Light, any spell you attempt to cast will AUTOMATICALLY FAIL. I don't care that BW incorrectly gave you Medium Armour proficiency, or that you can MC to Fighter and run around in Full Plate with no side-effects. EMS is about fixing bugs, and that's a bug. Deal with it. You're lucky you don't lose all spellcasting for 24 hours, which is the real rule.

That sucks. Why did they change a core element of the game like that?
I dont understand too but if you still wanna play a druid have fun with leather armor and we'll protect you from harm while you heal us.

Plz talk to me in chat instead of forum.
I managed to use the files and make the game work. I played an hour to test it. I will write to you in chat soon.
Engerek01: I added you both.

CEP file is huge. 5 GB. 7 GB with the 2.61 Update. I downloaded everything in the requirements section and I have no idea what to do with them :))

EMS Changes.txt file says.

Druid Spells

If you're wearing metal armour, which is anything other than Cloth or Light, any spell you attempt to cast will AUTOMATICALLY FAIL. I don't care that BW incorrectly gave you Medium Armour proficiency, or that you can MC to Fighter and run around in Full Plate with no side-effects. EMS is about fixing bugs, and that's a bug. Deal with it. You're lucky you don't lose all spellcasting for 24 hours, which is the real rule.

That sucks. Why did they change a core element of the game like that?
That actually sounds more fun. Druids are supposed to be nature-lovers and whatnot, so that's cool! There are many rules and equipment that have changed over time and often it's to the negative impact of the player -- but they are rules there to work more in-line with the role-playing of the characters.

My character:
I'll use my old favorite bard name: Willin Unders

Willin Unders grew up on a farm far out on the countryside of the Calespur Ranges as an only child. His father fell ill when he was 14, so Willin took over the farm on his own.

Willin kept himself entertained during the long days by singing -- and sing he did! He naturally found the rhythms and chords to encourage himself to work a little longer and a little harder.

Little did he think of his song until his 17th year. His father was once again healthy, but even with his help, the harvest was too vast and so he hired extra help to gather the grain. His song not only encouraged him, it did the same with the hired hands. They worked harder and longer than the ever had. But at the end of the day, they deemed Willin's song witchcraft and decided to lynch him then and there.

Filled with fear, Willin opened his mouth and a tremendous explosion of sound and air threw his would-be captors to the ground. With another song, Willin ran faster than a gazelle and was out of sight.

For the next several days, Willin watched the farm under the cover of tall grass. The hired help were paid extra by his father and then they left peacefuly. When Willin finally returned home, his father spoke with him.

"You needn't return son," he said. "You have a special gift and you should use it to help others."

He gave Willin a bit of money and wished him luck.

Since then, Willin has been traveling the countryside. He makes a living singing late in taverns while gathering and spreading gossip. And more than once he has ended a bar fight with his song, but occasionally he would draw unwanted attention and then he would move on.

Who knows what the future holds for this young man?
Your history is fantastic Tallima and im sure Willin Unders will be fantastic as well.

Here's my char history.The history of Linus Lyonald Rogue Neutral Good.

Linus grew in a farming settlement owned by his parents on a coastal farming town.Life was merry and abundant...That was,until the day some pirates raided and pillaged his home killing both his parents and stealing all the Lyonald fortune.
Linus Lyonald survived thanks to his mother who led him to a secret passageway built in his home long ago.Unfortunately his mother had to die while he escaped.

The passageway leads to the village outskirts where Linus had to survive at age 11 as a urchin.Pickpocketing and begging for care for a couple of days until he could find someone to take care of him.All appeared to be lost for Linus but one day,,,Pickpocketing a lady he was found by a Rogue who saw potential in the boy and had connections with a thieves guild that was teaching new members how to survive.The priest took Linus to his guild and encouraged him to follow the dark arts to obtain skills to survive and become a hero.

Linus at age 18 was a fine rogue trained in the dark arts with much caution.He became a official member of the thieves guild and decided to do jobs for then which at times included assasination.Linus became overwhelmed because he had
a good nature despite everything,so he defected the guild and decided to follow his own path which led to Aielund where his saga with some friends begin.

I thought this up just now and would like to use this background.I hope this is acceptable
Post edited January 30, 2016 by FairyMaster
FairyMaster: Your history is fantastic Tallima and im sure Willin Unders will be fantastic as well.

Here's my char history.The history of Linus Lyonald Rogue Neutral Good.

Linus grew in a farming settlement owned by his parents on a coastal farming town.Life was merry and abundant...That was,until the day some pirates raided and pillaged his home killing both his parents and stealing all the Lyonald fortune.
Linus Lyonald survived thanks to his mother who led him to a secret passageway built in his home long ago.Unfortunately his mother had to die while he escaped.

The passageway leads to the village outskirts where Linus had to survive at age 11 as a urchin.Pickpocketing and begging for care for a couple of days until he could find someone to take care of him.All appeared to be lost for Linus but one day,,,Pickpocketing a lady he was found by a Rogue who saw potential in the boy and had connections with a thieves guild that was teaching new members how to survive.The priest took Linus to his guild and encouraged him to follow the dark arts to obtain skills to survive and become a hero.

Linus at age 18 was a fine rogue trained in the dark arts with much caution.He became a official member of the thieves guild and decided to do jobs for then which at times included assasination.Linus became overwhelmed because he had
a good nature despite everything,so he defected the guild and decided to follow his own path which led to Aielund where his saga with some friends begin.

I thought this up just now and would like to use this background.I hope this is acceptable
Very fine!

Shall we assume our group are recent friends who have met, looking for any work just to get by? But also share a hero's heart?
Ok here is my character, I am going to use my real name.

Engin "Druidion Engerek" Demir.

While working as a woodsman in the northern forests of Disteryan, Engin's company ordered his shift to try a new forest. The untouched Asta Forest. It was beautiful, peaceful yet isolated. When Engin unmounted his horse and wielded his axe, a sudden guilt filled his heart.

"You shall not touch these trees"

Engin looked around to see who said those words. None of his colleagues were looking at him and there was no one else around. A few seconds later there was only shadows of the sentence that he heard as a whisper. He forgot about it when he stroke the first blow.

It has been barely 10 minute when they heard the roar. A sudden shake hit them of guard and they fall. When they finally managed to get up, they wished they laid down. 3 giant bears were coming straight at them. They tried to run but bears were as fast as they were huge. Engin didnt know what to do as he saw his colleagues' bodies flying around. Fear filled his slim body and he collapsed on his knees waiting for his end.

But something strange happened. A unicorn appeared beneath the trees, slowly riding close to him. When it was close, Engin hold his breath. Not only because of the amazing beauty of the unicorn but also because bears had now turned into elves. Finally, the unicorn turned into a female elf itself. Even more beautiful then its unicorn shape.

"I am Queen Emara" said the heavenly beautiful figure. "You should head my warning".

Engin did not know what to say. He was mesmerized with the events that has been happening around him. This all should be a dream. If that is the case he wasnt sure if this qualifies as a nightmare or a beautiful dream. Finally, a few words spilled from his lips more as a reflex than thinking.

"I am sorry."

Queen Emara stared at him for a brief moment. Then she smiled. It was the most amazing smile he has ever seen.

"Leave this forest and never come back" she said. Words flew into Engin's ears like magic. It was not spoken in the tone of an order but a request. But an undeniable one.

Engin doesnt remember how he went back to his town. He spent his days asking questions to village elders and reading in the library about mystical creatures. He finally learned that they were druids. Shapechanging protectors of the forest. From this moment, there could only be one life goal for him. To persuade the life of a druid. He went from town to town seeking knowledge about the ways of the druids. He even managed to learn to cast low level spells. He knew he had much to learn.

His last trip lead him to Aileund. What happened next? This is a tale for an other night.

* This is inspired by the book i have written 10 years ago.
* Druidion means someone who is beginning to learn the ways of the druids. A student.
Post edited January 31, 2016 by Engerek01
I am going to use my own portrait. You can download it from here and unzip it to your portraits folder.
Engerek01: I am going to use my own portrait. You can download it from here and unzip it to your portraits folder.
Is that actually you?

P.S. Let's get this party started! :)

PPS I'm just going to use the lute image for my portrait. I couldn't find one just right.
Post edited January 31, 2016 by Tallima
Engerek01: I am going to use my own portrait. You can download it from here and unzip it to your portraits folder.
Tallima: Is that actually you?

P.S. Let's get this party started! :)

PPS I'm just going to use the lute image for my portrait. I couldn't find one just right.
Are you guys able to connect?