My first ever NWN character was a wizard/sorcerer/bard... it was horrendous :P
melee classes rule NWN, even though they drool in pen and paper.
if you play a caster, DO NOT lose caster levels. and NEVER summon anything... familiar, animal companion, henchmen, and summoned monsters all VASTLY drain your XP gain, making you hugely weaker.
I take the "hit'" for having henchmen in custom campaigns where they actually have dialog (IIRC they were also good in hordes of the underdark... but had nothing interesting to say in first two campaigns... IIRC).
You can take prestige classes, but only if they give you full caster progression (that is, +1 to caster level for every level of the prestige class), otherwise you are shafting yourself.
enemies spawn base on your level... to a degree! that is, if you are high enough level you wipe the floor with them... also, loot and XP increase the more power the enemy is. and loot from treasure chests increases based on your level. its all very broken.
The best improvement in NWN2 is the cancellation of the XP penalty for having summoned / animal companion / familiar.
Post edited November 03, 2010 by taltamir