Posted December 13, 2014

But as to the things that are run, again, it varies. I anticipate that there'll be five to ten DMs active during the period, the majority running short plots (due to the nature of the event, as I mentioned above). But there'll also be more global plots that some of the smaller occurrences link to. It's hard to give exact times as the DMs also have to fit it into when they find their time - but it's usually no issue. You log on, you roleplay your character and something interesting is bound to happen. It's a bit different from roleplaying in small groups were the world revolves around your character, but that doesn't mean your character is insignificant or that what they experience will be trivial. I suppose it can be compared to how things work at large LARPs, but with more DMs and a more active game world.
As for the rest... I'm not enthused about the lack of a schedule. On top of preparing for the holidays, I am also job hunting. Granted, this close to the holidays, I sincerely doubt I will get many responses, but I am trying to put forth some efforts to find employment on the off chance that someone needs to fill a position. As a result, taking time out of my day to play a game on the net requires me to budget my time very carefully; without a schedule, I have no idea if the time I take off will be smack dab in the middle of a sea of DM-run adventures or during a period where no DMs are running anything which, given my stated preference for DM-run adventures, is a bit frustrating since it means I have no idea if I will be able to do what I took time off for in the first place.