Posted January 29, 2013

I mean, you've just listed 2 of the most useless feats in NWN 2 and most of the enemies at the end of the OC and in MotB are immune to crits, making rogues and weapon masters pretty useless in those.
To explain further why great cleave is horribly useless, to activate it, you need to first kill an enemy which triggers cleave, and then to get an extra attack from great cleave you need to actually kill something else with your remaining attacks in the same round. Considering how much hp even trash mobs have at high levels, this will pretty much never happen, except maybe in a very fight against tons of very weak mobs, which you can win easily enough without an extra feat.
Whirlwind is useless for pretty much the same reason. There are almost no fights at high levels where you face lots of weak mobs, so giving up all your attacks in a round to attack everyone around you is a bad idea, since you're almost always better off killing a single enemy asap than hurting lots of enemies.
Finally, a melee-oriented cleric or druid, or even bard can have the same number of attacks as a fully dedicated melee character provided you take at least 4 levels of fighter or whatever else with high BAB.
Sure, he'll have less strength and he won't get the crit stuff (which is unfortunately pretty useless as I've explained), but let me tell you that spells more than make up for that.
Seriously, play your build through the OC and MotB, then play a melee cleric, the cleric will have an easier time every single time. He'll kill things slightly slower, but he'll have a lot more staying power and he can make himself immune to a lot of things that can ruin your fighter's day (like mind-affecting spells, elemental damage, insta-kill spells and so on).
As for pure casters, they're obviously a very different beast and hard to compare. Let me just say that until you get OP weapons through crafting late in the game, casters will do only slightly less single target damage, a lot more area damage and have a lot more utility than pure fighters.
I know, since I've played both.
I might have forgotten how useless the cleaves are but I think at least cleave was required for something important and I also think I haven't really used whirlwind attack.
Also he has 6 APR (its possible in MOTB) and with an AC of around 70 and fire resistance its pretty good for tanking too. He is also immune to fire, sleep and paralysis and you have use any item.
I also played as a sorccerer and he was only better at big groups and has nothing that the NPCs can't do.