Posted January 29, 2014

-Weapon focus increases AB+1 for 1 type of weapon.
-Weapon finesse lets you use your dex instead of strengh for AB,
if dex is higher and you have a light weapon or a rapier.
I think in NWN2, when a medium char uses a medium weapon, the strengh bonus damage is 1.5 when your off hand is empty and 1.0 if you use a shield. Same for small chars with small weapon. But after all those dicussions I am not 100% sure anymore.
By the way:
I never used smite evil. From the description it sounds like you have 1 attac in this round and this attac adds your cha modifier to AB and your pala/DC level to damage.
Sounds like a bad choice to me if you can have at least 7 attacs per round (6 base + haste).
p.s. nice white knight build ;-)