Posted October 18, 2019
On NWN2 Thinking of playing a swashbuckler 10 / duelist 10 original campaign.
I created a character and leveled them to 20 using the console to test what skills / feats I could get and am about to restart to play from level 1.
For the level 20 character, on the character page I've noticed that my standard rapier(no bonuses and 1d6 damage) damage(nothing in off hand) will change everytime I unequip and re-equip the rapier. I've seen it change from 1d6+8 to 1d6+19. Does anyone know what causes this?
My character at L20
Sun Elf
Str 12
Dex 16
Con 12
Int 21
Wis 8
Cha 10
1) Able learner.
3) Dodge.
6) Improved Parry.
9) Weapon Focus rapier.
12) Combat Expertise.
15) Feignt.
18) Disarm.
Not sure if it made a difference but I leveled swashbuckler to 8, then 10 levels of duelist then 2 more levels of swashbuckler.
If anyone can explain why the bonus rapier damage changes from between +8 and +19 I'd appreciate it.
I created a character and leveled them to 20 using the console to test what skills / feats I could get and am about to restart to play from level 1.
For the level 20 character, on the character page I've noticed that my standard rapier(no bonuses and 1d6 damage) damage(nothing in off hand) will change everytime I unequip and re-equip the rapier. I've seen it change from 1d6+8 to 1d6+19. Does anyone know what causes this?
My character at L20
Sun Elf
Str 12
Dex 16
Con 12
Int 21
Wis 8
Cha 10
1) Able learner.
3) Dodge.
6) Improved Parry.
9) Weapon Focus rapier.
12) Combat Expertise.
15) Feignt.
18) Disarm.
Not sure if it made a difference but I leveled swashbuckler to 8, then 10 levels of duelist then 2 more levels of swashbuckler.
If anyone can explain why the bonus rapier damage changes from between +8 and +19 I'd appreciate it.
This question / problem has been solved by Engerek01