Posted June 10, 2018

the people who downloaded the NWN2 Complete OST probably noticed, that the OSTs of "Mask of the Betrayer" and "Storm of Zehir" are a right mess. There are no tags, no proper names, no numbering, no nothing. The files are sorted alphabetically with no concept of a real soundtrack and everything is just chaos. It's madness! And I'm one of those guys who must sort their music library with great care or I go nuts.
I therefore ventured out into the internet, searched for some tracklists and taged everything as it should be. <span class="podkreslenie">I've uploaded two files</span> (packed in one zip) that were automatically made with Mp3tag and contain no viruses or anything ill meaning.
The first file (MotB file overview.html) is a simple html-document listening all 59 the files in the aforementioned alphabetical order with the correct trackname and tracknumber in case you want to tag the files on your own.
The second one (MotB import tags.txt) is a simple txt-file you can use to import the tags via Mp3tag. Just use this format string: - %artist% - %title% - %track% - %year% - %genre%
1. Sort the files alphabetically in Mp3tag.
2. Before you import the tags you must delete/exclude the file "Neverwinter Nights 2 Mask of the Betrayer soundtrack - ashenwoodcombatstingerend.mp3". It's a four second long end of something that can't be used. If you don't delete/exclude it and import the tags, everything after that one is shifted for one entry and therefore wrong.
Or barring that, anyone have any idea where to find the correct track orders for the MotB and SoZ soundtracks? I've tried Googling with no success.
Post edited June 10, 2018 by mdrichey