Taro94: People bash the patch so much I've even heard some claims that server admins can ban you for using it. That's total bull's crap. Primo, they don't have a reason to ban you for using it, because it doesn't change anything for players connecting to a server without it. Secundo, it's even impossible to detect whether a connecting player has Community Patch installed or not.
Engerek01: I said that because a NWN1 server admin warned us not to use community patch or else we would get banned and I repeated what he said. Beside that, I have been hearing how community patch messed up their game from tons of people yet YOU are the only person that claims it is a good thing. In all GOG forums, there was only one other who said it was good and it was a troll with negative reputation that insulted everyone he met.
I know you are a good guy who wants to help others (you helped me with premium mods) but aligning with racist trolls who insults everyone they meet doesnt make you look good. You insulted me too for speaking without trying it. Like I said in the other thread, when thousands of people say something is bad and only 1 person says it is good, you dont have to try it.
I have no ill feelings towards you and that's why I didn't point fingers.
Vice versa, I also know you are a "good guy", as you put it. I accuse you of being wrong, not of lying, and that's a huge difference.
Saying I "align with racist trolls" is pointless, because I have no control over what such people do or say. My opinion is independent of them. And if I wanted to, I could play this game, too, and say that you aligned with a troll (whose name begins with "H"), because he, too, advised against using the Community Patch.
Lastly, I think we've already settled that what that server admin told you was either a lie or a statement from ignorance. I don't know what tons of people you're referring to, but I have no proof that what they say is any more true than what that admin said. I never met them, the only people I see that are complaining about the Patch are people who have never tried it. I am, on the other hand, certain that it's working flawlessly for me (and I have 160 hours spent in this game counted by Galaxy alone, which only a small fraction of the time I've spent in this game, most of which with Community Patch installed) and many others.
What I'm basically saying is, if these tons of people want to discourage people from using CP based on their own bad experiences with it, let them. But I'm not fond of people who only hear that something is bad from third-party sources, never try it themselves, yet are so vocal in their criticism.
Let all these who used Community Patch and experienced problems speak up, but those who never tried it should either do so or stay silent, because they don't even know if what they are saying is actually true. It'd be great if we left praising and criticizing stuff to people who tried it, wouldn't you agree?