Posted May 22, 2011
topeira: keep this wonderful thread alive. i wish i t was stickied since mods will keep on showing up.
p.s. - where can we ask for mods?
personally i'd love a blocking mod where it takes less vigor to block, so instead of being able to block 2 hits i can block more. like 3 or 4.
and better than that - a way to stop an attack mid-sway to block.
There's a thread for collecting mod ideas. I'm not sure if any of the modders are actually looking in there (or if they're busy doing stuff they themselves deem necessary for now), but at least it's kind of a central spot for that. p.s. - where can we ask for mods?
personally i'd love a blocking mod where it takes less vigor to block, so instead of being able to block 2 hits i can block more. like 3 or 4.
and better than that - a way to stop an attack mid-sway to block.