my2nads: I'm using my PS3 Dual shock 3 controller just fine but then again I'm using MotioninJoy and the beauty of it (assuming that you have compatible Bluetooth adapter) is that I can switch between Xinput (aka XB360) and directinput (but the default PS3 setting on it the buttons on the d-pad is not set up right, so you have to go into the playstation 3 option on the gamepad tool and set it up to what it should be and remove the 2 d-pad commands and then click on enable to save) with ease with vibration function if the game supports it.
However from time to time, I have to go under the Motioninjoy gamepad tool driver manager and reload the drivers to have my BT adapter to be recognized or put the BT adapter after the MiJ program (sometimes on a different USB port). Because under the BluetoothPair tab under support feature shows x in every spot, but I only had to fiddle with it after every fresh windows restart (so I just leave it on sleep mode).
Alakar: Have you try binding the F5 key and delete key to the PS3 wireless keypad, so far I only been able to bind next signs, next items, and the individual signs to the keypad. The controller works fine, I just wish the keypad have more keys like a real keyboard.
No I haven't as I have my keyboard next to me even if I do use a controller. However I do know that the default control panel on MotioninJoy on the X-input and D-input setting has couple of the button (the dpad Iirc) are set to 2 same input setting and I had to manually unlink them as it did interfere with some of my other games.
I agree that the controllers don't have enough buttons but what do you expect? So many console games uses so many bind keys for one button to do multiple action.