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Now that he's been mentioned, yeah, I really liked the voice Letho had in the trailers. When I heard him speak in the game I was quite disappointed.

Dandilion's voice was meh. I think I enjoyed every dwarf's voice, LOL.

I loved Triss and Foltest. Shame about the latter, but hopefully Triss' English VA will return in future installments.
I thought all the voice acting in TW2 were a huge improvement over the first game. The first game voice acting was atrocious, by far the weakest part of that game.

I didn't mind the ending. It's just an ending. I personally don't get the obsession of people wanting to talk to a character one more time or seeing the results of the meeting etc.

Also it's obvious there will be a Witcher 3 so we will far more of the results of Witcher 2 there.

And the best looking girl was the girl you couldn't interact with, Yenefer :3
Incidentally a soldier reported sighting of a drunken white-haired heavily scarred man yelling repeatedly "Yennefer, where are you?" for hours
Germanicanus: I agree with the OP - hands down, Philippa is the hottest woman in Witcher 2. I don't think she was 100% lesbian, since in the books it's mentioned she had a fling with a Redanian spymaster (who is absent in the games) as well as she flirted with Geralt on many occasions.
The spymaster in question was Dykstra, chief of the Redanian intelligence. And she only slept with him because it allowed her to gain access to information that increased her political strength at the Redanian court. It was not a fling, it was political play. There's nothing Philippa Eilhart does without calculating it first. For pure fun, girls are her clear preference. She indeed screwed Geralt once, but not in the good way. In one occasion she extracted important information of a man Geralt wounded while he was busy fighting someone else then killed the guy so Geralt couldn't get the information himself. And he was pretty pissed about that. I never had the impression she flirted with him in the books. She merely helped him when it suited her own plans but that's all. And she has the same behavior in the TW2 which is logical.

She may be curious about Geralt but if I were him I wouldn't want to test this curiosity because I would most certainly end up dissected in a lab. That's the kind of curiosity Philippa has for Geralt. Other than that she sees him as a useful tool as long as he allows her to push her own agenda forward. At least that's the feeling I got from the books. She may seems friendly at times but I wouldn't take that as pure gold.

Keira Metz on the other hand, here's a sorceress that would have definitely been willing... but she's not in the game although she's mentioned once and is also a member of the Lodge.
twistedmelon5: ... sure, she may have gravitated to women but I'm sure our great lady wooing hero could have changed that!
mrmoneda: LOL, it's both funny and sad how many straight men can think that.
Well, I don't think it applies to real life, but Geralt is an old, mutated, battle scarred albino, yet he still manages to plough just about anyone he pleases! I bet with some time he could break Philippa, lol.
Post edited May 28, 2011 by twistedmelon5
Obviously Philippa had an affair with Dijkstra for the purpose of enhancing her influence and strengthening her position on the Redanian court. I never said she had real feelings for him, I just mentioned the fact that she did sleep with both men and women. If you remember the famous convention on Thanned, you will also recollect the conversation between her and Geralt. She indeed flirted with him (the famous magic orgasm line that Triss said in Witcher 1 was in fact hers). I agree with you about her aims and how she sees Geralt, yet I think you clearly misunderstood me - I wanted to point out that it wouldn't be impossible to see her flirting or even sleeping with Geralt as long as it would be beneficial for her. Besides, in the books Sabrina Glevissig (R.I.P) says Philippa has just recently changed her sexual preferences, therefore, I wouldn't brand her as a 100% lesbian. Sorceresses are said to swing both ways due to their extremely long life-span and more liberal - contrary to common folks - tendencies.
Post edited May 28, 2011 by Germanicanus
ZidaneLeonhart: I REALLY disliked Iorveth's and Letho's new VAs. I just felt the ones in the trailers were SO much better. Geralt's is the same though, that's all I care about. I do like that they gave him more freedom to express himself to.
Also, did anyone else think that when Geralt walked in on Phillipa and her apprentice that we were going to able to have a romp with them? XD
I thought Iorveth's voice was amazing! I think he was a big improvement over the trailer VA. And Letho's new voice was OK, though I feel the new VA suits his look a bit more.

I actually felt hurt when they didn't have the 3way, I mean they hinted, set it up, got you ready, then BAM, fuckin nothing, lol.

vAddicatedGamer: Does anyone notice that everyone in the game talks really slow for native speakers?

Not a fan of Triss and Dandy's VA's. They feel un-expressive. You can hardly feel the emotion or urgency required at certain situations. King Foltest stood out in terms of VA.
Some characters seemed a bit slow when talking, but I checked out polish VA's and sometimes they blaze through what they're saying.

Yes, I agree about Triss, but I thought Dandy's voice was ok, though not on par with the first VA. And I also agree that Foltest was a standout, I thought his actor was superb and was disappointed to see him die.
Post edited May 28, 2011 by twistedmelon5
Germanicanus: @Starfox
Obviously Philippa had an affair with Dijkstra for the purpose of enhancing her influence and strengthening her position on the Redanian court. I never said she had real feelings for him, I just mentioned the fact that she did sleep with both men and women. If you remember the famous convention on Thanned, you will also recollect the conversation between her and Geralt. She indeed flirted with him (the famous magic orgasm line that Triss said in Witcher 1 was in fact hers). I agree with you about her aims and how she sees Geralt, yet I think you clearly misunderstood me - I wanted to point out that it wouldn't be impossible to see her flirting or even sleeping with Geralt as long as it would be beneficial for her. Besides, in the books Sabrina Glevissig (R.I.P) says Philippa has just recently changed her sexual preferences, therefore, I wouldn't brand her as a 100% lesbian. Sorceresses are said to swing both ways due to their extremely long life-span and more liberal - contrary to common folks - tendencies.
Ah so yes, my apologies I misunderstood you. I thought you were going for a Philippa sexually craving for Geralt... which is just not her style.

As long as it would be beneficial for her... yeah, if it allowed her to make her schemes progress she would sleep with him, sure. In fact the whole flirt part on Thanned was really about that, something he was going to have and she was interested in, the knowledge of what Vilgefortz was about to tell him.

And yes I forgot about that. The orgasm line in the first game was originally Philippa's during Thanned that's true. But sincerely I took it more as a jest than anything, I mean it was coming up in relation with the conjuring of caviar :)

As for the long lifespan, it's true. Things might get boring after a century or two. Even Triss did have a gay phase before meeting Geralt. I don't think Philippa's exact age is given but Dandelion at some point estimates she is what... about 300 years? Compared to her Yennefer is a child with her 90 and Triss is merely a baby.
Kalfear: I wanted to flirt with Shile as well. Not cause she was attractive but because she was such a opponent of Triss's.
You can hit on Sile a bit, you get one chance to talk about something other than the kayran with her. Ask her if she hunts monsters often (instead of bringing up her rivalry with Triss) and if she usually travels alone. Geralt will make his move and if you pass a persuasion check she seems receptive to the idea but shoots it down for the time being by saying that killing the kayran comes first. There's a bit more tension after the kayran is slain but nothing comes of it.
Post edited May 28, 2011 by DrAbysmal