I think that calling this wondefull combat system "broken" it's unfair. In my humble opinion, this is the best combat system I ever seen in an Action RPG...
It requires preparation, because you can't drink potions in combat.
It requires to use all the signs and all the signs are equally useful.
It requires to use bombs as crowd control
But, the best part is that you can develop your own combat style...
Against several enemies, some with heavy armor, some with shields, and so on... you can hit and roll, but this won't be very useful with heavy armored enemies, because the fast attack do not damage them enough and strong attack is slow and you will be surrounded in no time. So you can plants a trap, and push with Aard sign an enemy into it... or use the Yrden sign to create an area to damage and knock down enemies. If they are close enough, a bomb with deal damage to all of them... maybe stun some enemies.
You can use the Axii sign to make an enemy fight along you and the Quen sign to take less damage. To finish an enemy without risk to take an hit you can use the Igni sign. And block should be used only against enemies with shield or heavy armor, because so you can counter attack and do damage after you block the attack.
The possibilities are countless and you can develop your own style... this isn't a broken combat system, this is a wonderful, but still hard to master, combat system.
Remember that the preparation is equally important... so, drink some potions before to enter in a new area, you don't know what you may find. The toxicity only affect the number of potions you can drink, it doesn't effect you in any way.
Post edited May 18, 2011 by Gaxel