Posted June 05, 2013
2. I still don't understand the textures seem fine for me... there isn't much blurriness and issues you are referring to.
If you have some issues with LOD you can set it 2 far and change to AFx16 this will help your visuals... but then you have performance issues because your pc isn't strong enough and your gpu is far too weak, which also doesn't have enough memory for it. Again I will state it SLi & CF doesn't sum up your gpu memory. You still use your master card memory resources and in some strange cases it falls down to the lowest crappier card you have (including clocks but it was problem on older machines)
Problem is that the games didn't require that much processing power in past (becuase all of those games were made for freaking consoles from 2005-07) and GPU's didn't require that much power in their tick-tock improvements... right now we should be seeing some better gpu's like Titan(*780gtx) and 8970 might be something big unless amd decides to hold back and let people buy nvidia's 'reheated potatoes'. Still one 7970 on 1080p good 144Hz monitor doesn't need AA and uber sampling - the effects are almost invisible to naked eye. But if you have any problems with that the settings offer you AA, uber sampling and stuff and your pc cannot take all of it well its your problem... don't blame DX9 and state DX11 would solve your problems because it won't! It will create more of them... and improvements won't be noticed. IF you would enable features of dx11 those effects won't be fluid - not even 2x 7990 would be able to push that game on max details.
Look at the ground: 16xAF in HighQualityMode, everything exept Ubersampling (aka. 2x2 OGSSAA) is turned on.
That´s the famous "DX9-POM-Blurryness-Issue"...
Question: Why do you need graphical options that tax your gpu/cpu most that you don't see difference with naked eye?
A: uhh I don't know because I can.
If you have 44' screen or some big ass Plasma monitor being stuck on low resolutions - i would understand the issue but since most ppl are 27' and below I don't. The issue with edges was issue of CRT and early LCD monitors with low resolution but when we came in with resolutions like 1920x1080 and bigger and you don't really see those edges anymore unless you glue your eyes to actual screen everytime you play because graphics are that amazing :O n/c there.
ex of AA
is it really worth that much performance and fps for that kind of effect?
Post edited June 05, 2013 by CyklonDX