TBreaker20: If you find these mechanics atrocious, it's your problem. I like it how they are. I am playing on the hardest difficulty too, and guess what? If we were able to carry 10 swallows at the same time, the game would be really easy. You can carry more potions as you enhance them, for example, you can carry 4 enhanced swallows. Again, they aren't "atricious" just because you don't like them.
In fact i got 9 Swallows at the same time. i dont knwo if thatrs a bug but i had the enhanced swallow (4 charges) before i was doing the battle for Kaer Morhen where i decided for the Potions in the Laboratory. That was i got the Superior Swallow too wich has 5 charges. Now i got 9 Swallows wich is kinda OP sometimes :D
shoveling: Oils sound kinda weak.
Do bombs refill if you break combat and have more? I think I might prefer a bomb cooldown or recharge mechanic, over the current system of limited bomb numbers.
rabidchoco: Oils start kinda weak, really. Once you enhance them, they get a lot more practical.
Also, bombs refill same as potions: meditate with some hard booze in your inventory, everything refills; they probably should alter it at least to take powder to refill the bombs.
Dont u refill ur bombs with OOze urself ? i mean who doesnt pour alcohol at already thrown and by that not anymore existant bombs to make them re appear. Thought that was normal. Now i seriously wonder why i got that booze lake in my Workshop.