Posted May 20, 2017

Almost human
Registered: Dec 2010
From United Kingdom

New User
Registered: May 2015
From United Kingdom
Posted May 20, 2017

Other than that you really shouldn't take yourself so seriously.
All of this self-protection/defensiveness is born out of fear.
Take the bung out of your arse and chill.
Post edited May 21, 2017 by iErasmus47

Sgt Croaker
New User
Registered: Apr 2012
From United States
Posted May 24, 2017
Just as Hickory said; though, you will have whatever Witcher gear you've crafted carry over to NG+. What you will have to do is find the "Legendary" Witcher sets, if you're inclined. So, if you have a Grandmaster set of Ursine gear (if you have Blood & Wine, otherwise it'll be Master-crated) for example, this will see you well into Velen before you really need any different armor, especailly depending on which skills you've invested in, runes that are active and glyphs, etc..

Registered: May 2015
From Canada
Posted May 26, 2017
Before starting a new game plus.
Make sure to make all potions, armors, and weapons. Because all the recipes will be removed.
Make sure to make all potions, armors, and weapons. Because all the recipes will be removed.