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5 years ago
周末销售: 庆祝JAZZ JACKRABBIT 25周年纪念伴随着折扣!
就在今天(5月3日),我们的朋友爵士野兔(Jazz Jackrabbit)庆祝他的25周年纪念日——让我们加入庆祝活动,并跟随 Epic Games 游戏折扣,折扣高达70%折扣!你可以购买绝妙的 Jazz Jackrabbit CollectionJazz Jackrabbit 2 Collection(-33%),或潜入 FPS craziness 的 Unreal series (-70%)!
但这并不是我们这个周末的全部!你可以购买一些著名的游戏从 THQ Nordic 折扣(高达80%)。加入Horsemen of the Apocalypse 在 Darksiders series (高达-75%),证明你的策略和 RPG 技能在 Spellforce 3 (-60%)或着在 ELEX (-60%) 的一个伟大的幻想之旅中冒险!这些都是等待着你的一些伟大的冒险!
Exactly today, our fluffy friend Jazz Jackrabbit celebrates his 25th anniversary – let's join the festivities and grab Epic Games titles up to 70% off! You can grab the wonderful platformers Jazz Jackrabbit Collection and Jazz Jackrabbit 2 Collection 33% cheaper, or dive into FPS craziness of Unreal series (-70%)!
But that's not all that we have for this weekend! What do you say about some of the most notable titles from THQ Nordic up to 80% off? Join the Horsemen of the Apocalypse in Darksiders series (up to -75%), prove your strategy and RPG skills in Spellforce 3 (-60%) or venture on a great fantasy journey in ELEX (-60%)! These are some great adventures waiting for you!
Both sales run until May 6, 10pm UTC.
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6 years ago
星球大战日:高达65%的星球大战折扣 • STAR WARS™ BATTLEFRONT发布于GOG
为了庆祝5月4日,GOG 宣布发布STAR WARS™ Battlefront™ (Classic, 2004),并且将伴随一段长时间的星战游戏折扣。
从纳布战役(Battle for Naboo)到恩多战役(Battle of Endor)开始,经典的STAR WARS™ Battlefront (Classic, 2004)中的历史战役模式(Historical Campaign mode)能让你成为共和国和帝国的战士, 因为你参加史诗般的战斗,并控制银河。
在银河征服模式(Galactic Conquest mode)中,玩家在20个角色和4个派系之间进行选择,并在陆地、空中和太空中进行战斗。另外, 在16种大型地图上指挥各种车辆, 包括贝斯平(Bespin)、霍斯(Hoth)或纳布(Naboo)。
STAR WARS™ Battlefront (Classic, 2004)现在以 DRMFree 形式发布,并且伴有15%折扣(截止于北京时间5月9日18时)。
在 GOG 的星战游戏折扣周期间,将会有其他星战相关游戏折扣:玩家沿着达斯·雷文(Darth Revan)的道路在动作类RPG游戏——Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (-65%), 成为《星球大战》中的绝地(Jedi)——Star Wars: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast (-65%),或者去赢得一些比赛在Star Wars Episode 1: Racer (-40%)。
To celebrate May the 4th, GOG.COM is announcing the digital release of the legendary STAR WARS™ Battlefront™ (Classic, 2004), and launching a week-long sale on classic Star Wars games.
From the Battle for Naboo to the Battle of Endor, the Historical Campaign mode in the classic STAR WARS™ Battlefront (Classic, 2004) lets you become a fighter of the Republi...
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6 years ago
从哪里开始这段旅程?加入凯特·沃克,参观Syberia系列(-75%)中充满生命的迷人神秘宇宙。你在寻找更多的肾上腺素吗?试着用你所有的狡猾和秘密技能来逃避欺骗和背叛的网络,最终在Seven: Enhanced Edition(-40%)中存活下来。
你总是可以成为一个有着在聚会和音乐创作倾向的骑士——SongBringer(-75%),或者一个拿着扫帚的真正的超级英雄,在Dustforce DX(-50%)里。
如果你对过去的奥秘很好奇,你应该检查一下Kholat(75%)和My Memory of Us(45%),如果你想去参观一个以前从未见过的黑暗、致命的生物力学世界,那就进入Inner Chains(80%)。
No picnics this weekend!
The world is in dire need of thorough cleaning; mysteries are waiting for fearless seekers of the truth; new lands cannot wait for the brave conquerors. It's all in your hands, so don't waste precious minutes and embark on the fantastic adventure with our weekend sale instead of taking boring sunbaths!
Where to start this journey? Join Kate Walker and visit the enchanting, mysterious universe full of life in Syberia (-75%) series. Are you looking for more adrenaline? Try to use all of your cunning and clandestine skills to escape a web of deceit and betrayal, and ultimately survive in Seven: Enhanced Edition (-40%).
You can always become a knight with a prope...
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6 years ago
好了, 好了, 我们明白了。在决定下一次玩什么游戏时, 你不想依靠别人。但应听我们说, 因为我们准备了一些 INDIEscribable, INDIEsposable, INDIEresting...等等, 我们走得太远了。让我们来谈谈打折游戏:
我们从一个真实的高光折扣开始: Frostpunk (-40%)绝对是去年战略类游戏的亮点之一, 也是 (几乎) 每个人都必须去玩的。
如果你正在寻找一个更轻松的体验, 不要看得比 Moonlighter (-40%) 更远。潜入越来越深的地牢, 收集越来越多的战利品然后..把它们都卖了?这是一个独特的和高度上瘾的扭曲地牢游戏!
但我们有很多更多的高光折扣,你可能不想再错过:质疑你的决定——Papers, Please (-50%), 失去自己华丽的大脑挑逗与Gorogoa(-55%), 体验有史以来最舒缓的游戏体验之一——Flower (-10%)或测试你的战术在一个非常独特的野生西部——Hard West (-90%)。
其他交易包括Darkest Dungeon (-70%), Banner Saga trilogy (高达-60%), Gris (-25%), Enter the Gungeon (-50%), Hollow Knight (-34%), Sunless Sea (-66%)和Sunless Sky (-15%), The Messenger (-30%), Thimbleweed Park (-50%)或Owlboy (-40%)。
我们的独立周折扣将于北京时间 4月30日晚上10时结束。
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6 years ago
首先,Leisure Suit Larry - Wet Dreams Don’t Dry(-25%),去年是最着名的电子游戏(雾)。这场比赛将Larry从80年代末带入21世纪,在那里他将与现代世界相抗衡。
想要进一步超越21世纪 - Halcyon 6:Lightspeed Edition(-66%),激情项目的灵感来自经典,如Star Control,Master of Orion,X-COM或FTL,这是一个相当吸引人的的科幻空间RPG、有战略要素。
你总是可以在Creatures系列(-70%)中开始你自己的人工生命实验,破解你的方式以确保在Mainlining(-80%)中达到正义,或者如果你处于毁灭的情绪中,那么世界将会着火在RIOT - Civil Unrest(-15%)。
Ahh, Friday finally! The weekend is upon us and we have a variety of deals to keep you busy while you enjoy the well-deserved rest.
First, how about Leisure Suit Larry - Wet Dreams Don’t Dry (-25%), last year’s big come back of the most famous video games (failed) seducer. The game takes Larry from the end of the ’80s into the 21st century where he’s set to date his way across the modern world.
Want to jump even further beyond 21st century - Halcyon 6: Lightspeed Edition (-66%), the passion project inspired by classics like Star Control, Master of Orion, X-COM or FTL, is a highly addictive sci-fi space RPG with strategy elements.
You can always start your own Artificial Life experiments in the Creatures series (-70%), hack your w...
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6 years ago
7 years ago