Posted June 19, 2018

From VMSoft themselves shortly after the rumor started
"VMProtect and DENUVO GmbH
June 6th, 2017 :: 0 comments
Hi there!
We were informed that there are open questions and some uncertainty about the use of our software by DENUVO GmbH.
Referring to this circumstance we want to clarify that DENUVO GmbH had the right to use our software in the past and has the right to use it currently as well as in the future.
In summary, no open issues exist between DENUVO GmbH and VMProtect Software for which reason you may ignore any other divergent information."

I heard this confirmed as "quickly settled behind the scenes" from somebody working for one of the entities involved in a high enough position, but of course that's no evidence even if you could trust a random stranger posting on the internet.
You might consider the implications of absence of VMProtect in Denuvo versions around that time, though.