"Evil things game developers could do, and actually did" Where to begin...
- The general dumbing down trend including:-
- FPS Dumbing Down :
http://new1.fjcdn.com/pictures/The_772b34_1193477.jpg - RPG Dumbing Down :
http://i.imgur.com/xJdPF3z.png - More RPG Dumbing Down :
http://i.imgur.com/lCo1uAP.jpg - Stealth Dumbing Down :
http://i.imgur.com/fyOaSrg.jpg - Consolization and using controllers as a primary input for isometric RPG's (Dragon Age Inquisition)
- FPS's with auto-aim for the sake of controllers
- Giving people in multiplayer FPS's the ability to see enemies through walls or on a mini-map and a community that bursts into tears if you try and take that away "old school" style
- Day One DLC
- Pay2Cheat DLC
- DLC for the sake of DLC :
http://i.imgur.com/TVRObla.jpg - DRM (including multiple layers)
- Adding DRM back into "Enhanced" Editions of older games that already had it removed (eg, Age of Empires 2: EE vs AoE Collectors Edition DVD)
- Limited activation limits
- Have to be online to save the game
- Junk mobile cash ins (Deus Ex: The Fall, Age of Empires Castle Siege, etc)
- Aggressively pushing pre-orders combined with review embargoes to encourage gamers to get into the habit of making uninformed decisions vs waiting for reviews (informed decisions)
- "Shaping" gameplay in modern AAA FPS's to be a grind-fest to 'encourage' gamers to use Pay2Unlock micro-transactions
- Bad ports and horrendously unoptimised games
- "Platform Parity", eg, 30fps locks or massive reduction in size of PC maps (eg, Deus Ex 2, Thief 3, shrunk 75-80% to fit original XBox's 64MB memory)
- Moving from quick-saves in multiple slots to single-slot checkpoint-only save systems, only to have one bug then break the whole game
"Nausea simulator" (over the top camera shake)
"Myopia simulator" (laughably exaggerated Depth of Field which gives your avatar worse vision than my 94 year old granny)
"Cataract simulator" (Motion Blur)
"Glaucoma simulator" (Vignetting)
"Severe migraine simulator" (Film Grain)
"My characters vision should resemble a faulty 1990's digital camera lens for absolutely no logical reason" simulator (Chromatic Aberration)
"Giraffe with a broken neck simulator" (excessive Head Bob)
"Penguin with a gammy leg simulator" (even more stupid side to side Head Bob)
- Sequels or DLC of old games made 15-20 years later by completely different overly political teams (Baldur's Gate Siege of Dragonsphere)
- Stale mechanics (crafting for the sake of crafting, unlocking for the sake of unlocking, 2-weapon limit, auto-regenerating health, Ubisoft's annual reskinned "tower climbing simulator", etc)
- Devs that leave it up to the community to finish their games with free mods, then later try and lock same mods behind store-fronts (everything Bethesda)
- Parasitic publishers that vacuums up quality studio's, then dumbs everything down into generic mush (everything EA)
- "Anti-cheat" programs that send back data on what the user is running
- In-game telemetry that send back data on how the user plays
- DRM'd clients that send back data on what, how, where and when the user plays
- Quick Time Events and "Simon Says" / "Press X to win" boss fights
- "Peashooter vs tank" gunplay to over-exaggerate the "importance" of levelling up in FPS's where the "RPG" mechanics feel completely fake and tacked on.
- Overly large skill trees which results in "Excel gameplay", ie, each adds a non-perceivable +2% which ends up "number chasing" / grinding for trivialities
- The "need" to unlock perfectly normal actions you should have had from the start
- Releasing games in a half-broken buggy state then using gamers as week-one patch beta testers as a substitute for a half-decent QA team
- Industry "bullshots" (Massive graphical downgrades from E3 footage to real-world release gameplay)
- Bloated VRAM requirements on PC's in otherwise ugly looking games (eg, Mirrors Edge Catalyst) due to lack of optimization when porting from consoles unified memory to PC's split RAM/VRAM
- Major AAA studios not bothering to even test keyboard & mouse before launch due to the expectation everyone will be using a controller
- Giving gamers a nervous twitch when they start the game and a "Unity Engine: Personal Edition" logo pops up...
- Mobile Pay2Win troll developers like King patenting the word "Candy" then suing over "Saga"
- 15GB games that "need" 50GB space due to uncompressed audio (Titanfall, etc)
- Developers that get busted trying to inflate the score of bad games (EA employees caught posting high Dragon Age 2 reviews on metacritic)
- Developers that get caught with obvious "bribes for reviews" (can I get a free tablet for reviewing WatchDogs too, please Ubisoft?)
"Streamlined for the casual audience". I think we've all figured out what this industry code-word means by now
- Trying to force all FPS's to be "open world", all adventure games to have branching plots, etc, even in games where that doesn't fit the plot due to an obsession with genre "formulas"
- Churning out reboots, remakes, over-sequels, cash-ins, etc, long past franchise's natural sell by date, and a complete inability to actually make new games (virtually all AAA studios)
In short - pretty much 80-90% of modern "evolved" AAA game design...