mechmouse: Third. These games may still run on winXP, it just you need to stop thinking GoG can support you with an OS that has no support from microsoft.
Klumpen0815: The problem is, that you never know in advance whether GOG broke something with their bad (client) fiddling.
There are reasons why 1 out of 17 people still use WinXP and way more have it as an off-line secondary system:
It's still the best OS for old games since it can run 16 and 32 bit games perfectly even on slow hardware with few RAM.
In addition to that, most games that are WinXP compatible are also WINE compatible.
GoG have to fiddle every now and then to ensure they installers and games work on currently supported OSes. That's what they do, its what makes them great.
And if it breaks XP compatibility, there is little they can do about it.
GoG can not in all good faith and honesty put "supports XP", because quite simply they can not ensure it will. If you hit a problem with Win7 that GoG themselves can't figure, they can go to the developers which then can go to Microsoft, or GoG can go direct to microsoft. With XP the buck stops with them, regardless of where the problem lies.