Pajama Sam 2: Thunder and Lightning Aren't So Frightening I used to have the biggest crush on Pajama Sam, it was unreal.
-TheMarisaTaylor I used to LOVE pajama sam :')
-iluvhttyd i used to always play this!! best game!! i want itttttt haha
-BiLlAbOnG353 This brings back memories from my childhood! XD
-koolkillax i nostalgia'd everywhere
-cloud strife OMG! ... All I saw was the demo and i always wanted to get the game but never got a chance to get it though :/
-musiclover109 i miss this game so much.
-Emily Stump Omg my childhood : D
-METALCOREHEAD1 Pajama Sam was my favorite childhood game, but I never played this one, I have completed 1 and 3, but never played 2
-Static236 Makes me wish I hadn't lost my pc copy
-Darry P I haven't played this game since I was a little girl and I came by a picture of pajama sam and it was so familiar so I decided to search it up and I found this video. It's been so long but the minute I heard the sound effects, it brought back forgotten memories ^_^ I just remembered how much I loved this game!!
-ChangeTheChannelSong I remember playing this when i was five, great memories(:
-TheOfficialSkizzmas im crying i had no clue they made a 2nd one or a third one i want to play them so bad :'( is there a site that got it from the disk i can play it on??????
-McKenna Johnson If it weren't for our old computer braking, i think I might still play this game with my older brother.
-kroolandwart Pajama Sam is more than just a game, he's befriended Darkness himself and beat him at an edible version of tic tac toe, he has single-handedly broken weather, and put it back together! And, he's put everyone from a food peace confrence onto the same side and called out no war. Pajama Sam, i respect you. -mdlegoboy Man, this game defined my childhood. I honestly believe this is where my love of "jazz like music" came from.
-kzt78 My Mom loves this game ^_^.
-GradianDarion300 I love the part where you go into the kitchen, bathroom, and stuff, and the weather part oh my god nice memories
-eDMGamingOfficial I remember when my parents bought this for me...I was the happiest kid in the world
-speaker3600 Omg I loved this games brings back memories
-tysontom1 You really need to stop to appreciate how good the concept of this particular game was. The idea that weather is essentially a business is such a fantastic, and original idea!
-bbfan123456789 This was the best one. My next door neighbors had it, and I was so jealous.
-uncch15 my dad ddnt save my game i left up and i was so upset so we stayed up until 2 am getting me back to my spot... dedication lol
-juliiee97 Oh maaan, the memoriiiies!
-zappazoey i remember trying to find this game forever when i was little. sadly i never found it, but at least now i get to see what the game is like once and for all :)
-farvin111 *sigh* How i miss childhood games...:( ...